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+SL | modifier

SEALis a modifier that adds a brown sheen to the coat, the color of "brown" will vary per coat color, found on the main palette at the bottom, next to "Greying" are brown palettes for accents and seal. Seal occurs in a specific manner, large soft coverage that usually connects as 1-3 large pieces, rather than small notes of brown/tan like Accents.

Seal is a modifier that effects part of the base color, which means it can appear with other modifiers and is not overriden by them. Examples provided below.

Seal goes beneath all other markings, as if it were apart of the base color. Seal Family includes other modifiers which act exactly the same as seal, only changing minor attributes. Seal Family includes: Seal, Jay, Bloom

PLACEMENT SETS are structural patterns for you to reference, Seal comes with 4 pattern types you can choose from. Once a choice is made, do not mix the patterns! 

Light Blue/Cyan indicates "spread" area, where (once blended) the marking can fade out into. Or you may use this area freely if you're going for a more max-look.

Dark Blue indicates "spawn" areas, or where the seal marking will begin and then spread outwards to. You must fill in 2 dark blue areas as the minimum requirement, then for all the remaining dark blue areas, simply touch upon them in some way.

Remember, Seal likes to touch and connect with itself, and if it breaks apart the other pieces tend to be decently spread. Too many small pieces of Seal may appear like ACCENTS or POINTS. If markings are covering seal, this is fine, but make sure it's clear to tell what's the base color vs seal vs marking.

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