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TURP offers completely free markings that may be applied to any suka, regardless of genotype or gene limits. With the freedom of these markings comes quite a few limitations in their presentation, as to not be confused for other markings, it's important to follow the guide examples and deviate from the examples with caution.



Ticking refers to the tips of each fur strand being colored differently than the rest of the suka. This stands out visually as long or short, thin-fur tapered marks along the body that give the illusion of fur.


✘ Ticking should not be circular shaped, or clump together like patches of fur.


☛ Color Friendly: This marking is flexible on color choices, so long as the chosen color is natural and not pure white.


☛ Fade Friendly: This marking may fade into the base coat (in opacity).


☛ Gradient Friendly: This marking may take up to 3 smoothly blended colors to create a gradient. 


☛ Two-Toned Friendly: This marking may take multiple distinct colors at once, especially when next to other markings.


Ticking has no minimum or maximum areas, there are no required hotspots or placings where ticking is unlikely to occur.


Ticking should always be neatly spaced and avoid being too long, thick or otherwise resembling stripes.



Freckles are circular marks that may appear anywhere on the body, and must be done sparsely, typically by hand or brush premade if it is well executed.


✘ Freckles should not heavily cluster around a certain areas (aside from areas than have thinner skin) , or appear like small "spots", instead they should look like pinpricks and natural face freckles.


☛ Color Friendly: This marking is flexible on color choices, so long as the chosen color is natural and not pure white.


☛ Fade Friendly: This marking may fade into the base coat (in opacity).


☛ Gradient Friendly: This marking may take up to 3 smoothly blended colors to create a gradient. 


☛ Two-Toned Friendly: This marking may take multiple distinct colors at once, especially when next to other markings.


Freckles have no minimum or maximum areas, there are no required hotspots or placings where freckles are unlikely to occur.


Freckles should always be neatly spaced and avoid being too large or mottled.



Liner is a soft marking that occurs around the eyes and lips at minimum, on most sukas, however it's completely optional to use. Sometimes liner may spread to areas like the: ears, face, back of neck, elbows, knees, and tail tip area.


✘ Liner should always be relatively soft at its heaviest area, but in the center, may be more filled in and solid looking.


☛ Restricted Color: Liner must always be black or near-black tint (relative to the base color) If Liner is used atop a soft-colored marking (like greys, blooms, champagne, etc), it may appear slightly softer in color. This varies from suka to suka.


Liner will always remain 1 color, with no gradients.


Liner's most minimum area is around the eyes and lining the lip + nose. There is a premade Liner layer in every suka template, but you may make your own.


Liner has a maximum coverage area that you should not extend pass. (ex. 1)


[!] This was USER created, by Chrysalism-ist!


Silver/Silvering is a soft grey/mouse grey marking that usually occurs on the muzzle, eyes, brow, and thinner areas of the legs/paws. If no other markings are present on the spine, then silver may express itself there as well.


✘ Silver REQUIRES fur texture , post-update 2021, to stand out effectively so it is not  mistaken for Urajiro or Res Greying. A lack of some fur ticking or texture that implies fur will be rejected.


☛ Restricted Color: Silver should be chosen from either the palette below, or from your suka's base color palette area that shows "Greying" as an option. You may slightly adjust if you need the grey to look more natural on exotic colors (Cognac, Peach, etc), but this may result in a correction if the color is too saturated!


Silver will always remain 1 color, with no gradients.


See the light pink areas for minimal hotspots where Silver is most likely to occur; the darker pink areas indicate "extra coverage" areas that are optional to use if no other markings are present on the spine.


Consider all pink areas as the "max" spread as well, silver should not really occur in the non-pink areas, exceptions can be made with certain Modifiers like Quilled present.



Accents refer to natural-brown hues that appear in small areas across the suka. Almost always soft in appearance, or fur-textured, but it's important that the edge remains defined in shape, as to not be confused with Seal.


✘ Avoid placing Accents in other areas where brown-specific markings, like (Tan) Points occurs.


☛ Restricted Color: This marking should be a natural , vibrant tan or brown relative to which base color your suka has; however each base color comes with a accent palette attached for a place to start.


☛ Fade Friendly: This marking may fade into the base coat (in opacity).


☛ Gradient Friendly: This marking may take up to 3 smoothly blended colors to create a gradient. 


☛ Two-Toned Friendly: This marking may take multiple distinct colors at once, especially when next to other markings.


Accents has no minimum or maximum areas, there are no required hotspots however there are common areas in which Accents likes to occur.


Accents are common on the face, back/base of ears, shoulders, ribs, back of neck and hips, and along the tail or wrists of paws.



Splashing / Splash is a white marking, that can act as a white marking, except when next to freckles or ticking, so long as it doesn't resemble a Speckled modifier. It also does not take precedent to cover any markings that are required to show. Splashing has a natural appearance to it, like a horse's blaze or dog's patch of white on their chest. 


✘ Avoid breaking up Splash too much to the point where it looks like Vitiligo or disjointed. Splash should spread natural from one point and out.


☛ Restricted Color: Splash should always be white against the base or near white, anything that looks too tawny or cream in color will be rejected.


The exception being certain modifiers will be able to alter the color of white markings.


The max amount of splash you may show is visible in (ex. 1) while a very minimal example of splash is in (ex. 2) 


Splash can have slightly irregular edges to indicate asymmetry, but should not be heavily spotted or resemble something like Piebald or Sabino or Vitiligo without a Speckled gene present.


Irish is a variant of Splashing that is more restricted in placement, but has more coverage around the front-half of the suka. Irish does NOT typically have irregular edges or "break off" pieces like Splash could, and instead is determined to stay connected as one piece. The exception mostly being on the face, where the white can get funky.


✘ If Irish is present, Splashing cannot be, and if in combination with other white marks like Piebald, should be distinctly separated from each other and should not touch.


☛ Restricted Color: Irish should always be white against the base or near white, anything that looks too tawny or cream in color will be rejected.


The exception being certain modifiers will be able to alter the color of white markings.


The max amount of Irish (ex 4) will stop at the bridge of nose + muzzle, upper ankle, and full front leg + neck+ nape.


The most minimal form of Irish (ex 1) is significant in coverage, taking up the entire neck, back of legs, tail tip, and forehead as required.


While some of the neck may be exposed from the Irish (ex 2) it should still cover MOST of the neck & throat area.

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