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Restricted Greying



"Restricted Greying is a modifier that shows silvering/desaturation over only parts of the base color, instead of the entire base color like normal Greying. Restricted Greying (RG) can either stick to the above palette or your own desaturated color can be created (see below.) RG will leave parts of the base coat exposed and begin to desaturate markings it comes in contact with. RG is different to normal Greying because it will always require that all markings on the geno remain visible. 


It is up to the user to be able to properly show all markings , the base color , and restricted greying without omitting or hiding markings. Restricted Greying acts as part of the base color, and like Seal/Jay/Etc sits below all other markings.




☛ Restricted Greying must be softly blended (but have a clear and definite starting point that admins can color pick from.

☛ The base color must be clearly visible with at least 40-50% visibility. 

☛ The Greying color you choose must be lighter than the base color it's on.


Above shows the MAXIMUM (example) of how far RG can extend (not specifically where it can't touch)


 Above shows the minimum spread areas for Restricted Greying. It must touch at least 2-3 separated areas of the suka, and expand at least 10-20% per area chosen. 


You must always be able to break down and pin point where each color / marking / base color begins and ends. Admins will need to see cohesive separation to be able to approve the design. Messy/over blended/unintentional designs will be sent to corrections.


Admins should be able to breakdown your design WITHOUT you providing a guide. If this is not possible, reconsider your placement of markings, especially "softer" ones like Restricted Greying.


Choosing a grey/desaturated color relative to your base color is very easy! Simply take your base color, slide your slider to the left to desaturate it. The more you desaturate, the lighter you'll need to go in value. So just bump up the value bar a few points to make sure your greying will look GREY against your base coat, and not "slightly less brown" or "slightly less blue" etc.


These two desaturated examples are both very similar, however the right side is our best option ! They're only a few points off from one another, but the best rule of thumb to use for making your own grey color is to make sure it LOOKS GREY. Make 2-3 possible color options and go with the MOST GREY COLORED ONE to get the best possible outcome for getting your color approved !


This is a more free way of choosing some more subtle looking greying tones, if you choose not to use the very light silvery palette from above.

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