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Combination (Combo) markings are free unlockable options that you can use to customize your suka's design, so long as they have the right genes. When 2 or more genes are present on a single genotype a combo mark will allow you to opt out of the regular marking look/rules and try something different. Combo markings are 100% optional and no genotypes come with pre-determined combo markings.

Combo Markings are listed at the end of the genotype, in parenthesis and in italics; while the rest of the genotype/phenotype will still retain the original genes in use, like so:

"Red w/ Mask, Piebald, Appaloosa (Mismark)"

Most combo-markings require replication of what's visually provided and in their strict nature does not see much in deviation of placement and look. (For example, if you use "Dun" then brindle should only appear on the legs/face/nape, and not in other spots where brindle could usually occur.)

❗ Combos that require at least 2 "white markings" present will only account for markings that are strictly white in color, and not markings that may optionally be white in color, nor does it include Free White markings. (Piebald vs Ringlets or Irish)


Brindle + Mask + Blaze = Beast

Beast resembles that of the wildebeest, a large and softly defined striped marking that occurs on the side of the suka (neck, shoulder, rib cage) and also *requires a centered-mask, covering on the base of ears (not the tip) and optionally consists of a softly expressed dorsal stripe.

Beast may be any color darker than the base and can be inversed in color if an inverse gene is present.

Beast's mask will always be extensive, covering the upper lid/brow, forehead, and bridge of nuzzle to the muzzle/throat. 



Brindle + King or Diamond = Bengal

When brindle is present with King or Diamond, it can cause the spotting to conjoin and blend into thicker more marbled-style of striping. Notably the Bengal suka will show the "vortex" or "swirl" in the center/flank area. The facial area is also specific, requiring ear-rims, a dorsal (thick or thin) , and tear striping along the cheeks and eyes. Bengal can be soft or hard edged, or a mix of the two.

Bengal should follow all color rules of brindle, king ,or diamond and may be effected by modifiers.

Wolv's color must be chosen from the Points palette, if your suka is modifier-effected, the color may end up changing. (i.e Blackened, Ember, Greying, etc) 



Roan + Restricted Greying/Greying = Blizzard

Blizzard is a combo of Roan on a greying or res greying suka, which creates a faint haze over the coat, and unlike roan may extend to areas all over the body - not just the back/head. Blizzard should be very faint in opacity along its edges, while the center of the marking should retain the white/off-white color. Blizzard must cover at least 25% of the coat, and all other markings beneath may or may not follow the greying rules, it's up to the user.

Blizzard may have "corn spots" inside of it.

Blizzard should not cover more than 60% of the coat.



Piebald/Paint/Appaloosa + Greying = Bloodmark

Greying sukas who also have certain white markings, may create this combo marking. It takes the "fleabitten" variant of greying and adds the textured/fine speckling and allows for a larger area of the coat underneath to be revealed, rather than just a few spots. Bloodmark at most will only show 1-2 large chunks in the fleabitten.

Bloodmark may follow fleabitten color rules, appearing almost cream or off-white or pure white.

Watch the spots! Each white marking listed has a different spotting style, and mismark should follow that.



Siamese + Brindle = Dun

Dun will consolidate all brindle striping to a few strict and specific areas, while leaving Siamese to add a soft gradient over top. The striping that may occur in these areas (Face/Forehead, paws-forearm/knees, nape, and ears) may follow brindle striping pattern rules. Dun does not have to extremely primitive in stripes, and can in fact create very varied appearances.

Dun must remain darker than the base, unless an inverse gene is present. Gradients are acceptable, and if preferred your brindle may be a slightly different color than your siamese.

While a (thin) dorsal stripe can appear this is completely optional to add.


FIREBELLY created by d0gue !

Mottled/Ink + Points = Wolv

Firebelly is a specific spotting style that can occur when Points is present, allowing holes in the points. The spotting may be asymmetrical or create irregular edges but as a whole, it should still take the shape/placement of points , as well as color.

Choose from the Points palette as usual, or the modifier-effected points palette.



Merle + Nano = Foxglow (but no glow)

Iri + Nano = Foxglow (glow)

Foxglow is as it sounds , basing itself off the Glossy Starling plant from the pre-lore of this post-apocalyptic world. The marking is noticeably cyan in color, patchy, and hugs the flank, chest, or exudes more freedom in the facial area. The marking can either be on the face, covering 10-20% of the face, neck, and ears. OR you may use 30-40% coverage, along the body and not the face.

Foxglow may optionally sit atop all other markings, yeah all of them, I said it.

2-toned color effect is acceptable, altering the palette slightly to better fit your suka is acceptable (must remain cyan/baby blue).

Foxglow only GLOWS if IRI is present, otherwise it will simply be blue in color.


HOG free combo marking

Accents + Stockings/Etching = Hog

Hog strictly occurs on the lower legs, but can extend slightly towards the knees/elbows. It is significantly darker the the base color + accent brown/tan on the inside of the marking. Hog covers the legs in a dark, softly expressed marking, leaving a "window" to show the accent beneath. It may cover all or just 1 set of matching paws.

Significantly darker tends to mean black/liver/chocolate, but as long as it is darker than all other markings around it it should pass. Accent color should be chosen from your base color palette.

The toes may or may not be left exposed, but a window within the etching is not optional. Accents may fill up the entire area or simply part of it. 


HOLLOW created by ledacek!

Siamese + Etching = (Min) Hollow 

Sable + Etching = (Max) Hollow

Siamese + Etching Hollow is much more minimal in appearance, only brushing the lids, cheekbones, and ribs of the suka. It is a REQUIREMENT on this combo pairing to include the tips of the paws and no further than the wrists/hocks. This option can be combined with Brindle, to make "Dun Hollow"

Sable + Etching Hollow has a more extensive look than its counterpart combo. It will heavily brush along the cheekbones, under eyes, top of head, and bridge of nose for a more sunken / gaunt look. The shoulder / shoulder blade, ribs, tuck, and thighs will also be brushed with shaping to indicate a lighter frame. Optionally, the paws and tail area can be brushed with color too.

Hollow should be darker than the base and appear as a "sunken" or "shadow" along the suka, so more vibrant dark colors may not work for every suka, same for lighter/subtler colors.

Hollow should avoid having edges that are too hard and stiff, it is a very soft marking like Siamese or Sable.



Mask + Collar = Hooded

Hooded will do away with Collar and Mask placements and instead cover the entire head to throat/neck (at minimum) and at maximum, end around the upper shoulder/lower neck area. 

Hooded may be any color, even white or black; gradients are okay, but stay away from 2-tones.

Hooded should not show extreme shapes, stripes, patching, or swirls, and should remain completely fur-textured in edges, rather than irregular like Nubo or Piebald. 

If your coat-type has an extended Collar range (for ex. going down the back or cheeks) Hooded will not follow this range.




Piebald/Paint/Sabino/or Appaloosa + Roan = Mismark

This combo marking will take a white marking (in your genotype) and add a roan-like haze around the edges and sometimes across the entire coat. It allows the texture of roan, but more importantly the "corn spots" or heavy mottling within the haze area.

Mismark must remain white, however the roan layer may follow roan color/opacity rules.

Watch the spots! Each white marking listed has a different spotting style, and mismark should follow that. Sabino mismark should have finer spotting along the edges, while paint should have minimal mismark spotting.



Piebald + Appaloosa = Palmetto

When the two heavy coverage white markings meet, they blanket the entire coat in white, cream, or off-white and only allow for the most seldom large spots, and many smaller flecks or fine speckling, but not necessarily textured. Most Palmettos will show a patch spot somewhere the shows the coat underneath.

The seldom spots may show typically on the head, but other areas are not uncommon.

Take note that the spotting here is VERY fine and tick-like in shape, avoid making the spots too big or mottled as it may end up just appearing as Appaloosa



Somatic + Sabino = Pepper

Pepper extends across the body like Sabino, but is dark-locked in color like Somatic. For patches to break away from the main conjoined marking of Pepper, it should happen sparingly or the patches must be significant in size , with smaller patches accompanying it. Pepper distinctly keeps the spotting style of Sabino, small irregular edges and speckling.

Pepper is black to dark grey in color, use the Somatic palette for help, but you may use your own colors as well. Note, anything too light , vibrant, or saturated will be denied. 

Optionally, Pepper may cover the whole coat in black/dark grey and only show sparse spotting instead, lying over all other marks.


POLKA created by leygo!

Somatic + Appaloosa = Polka

Polka creates a very specific pattern on the suka, while drenching the rest of it in somatic black/grey. The pattern revealed in the Somatic is a spotted style that mottles into striped motion. The stripe/spot mixture mostly occurs on the underside of the body , legs, face, and neck, but it is not uncommon to see a heavy polka where the pattern becomes horizontal across the flank/belly.

Polka is strictly black/dark grey in color, but modifiers may end up changing the color.

Polka should not touch the spine, paws, or muzzle.


QUAGGA created by m-idlifecrisis !

Cuff + Collar = Quagga

A mixture of dark and light striping along the neck that has a specific style, though the coloring of Quagga has quite a few options and variation. Quagga requires at least 4 stripes to qualify, and the stripes should either occur in "ringlet" form on in a stripe style similar to that of a zebra/hybrid.  

Quagga typically occurs around the eyes, ears, forehead, and neck - but can also appear on the tail. If you're mixing dark + light, DARK will always be ONTOP of LIGHT.

Stripe should not extend onto the flank/belly, or far shoulder-elbow area. Placing Quagga onto the neck/throat is not optional; the forehead/eyes is also seen as  common, but not required especially if the face is already busy / cluttered.

quagga_stripe color types.png


Urajiro / Roan + Blaze = Rabicano

A minimalist marking that occurs only on the underbelly and (optionally) the top base of the tail. It creates a slight "haze" to the marking, even more so textured if roan is present. Blaze will add in a striping element that hugs the ribs/flank/tuck. 

Marking must be white/near white, but the "haze" may have a different opacity and minimal corn spots.

The striping should NOT resemble brindle stripes, but Blaze striping which is heavily fur textured.



Bolt + Blaze = Strike

A white marking that takes the striping of bolt , combines it with the thinness of Blaze, and hits all over the body like lightning. Strike is very sporadic, prefers not to completely connect, and often engulfs the face or paws in a minimal manner. There may not be more than 30% coverage or too much intricacy to the striping, the stripes should be thin but bold and lengthy, flowing with the body.

Color should be white or near-white, but not off-white or cream.

Avoid making heavy areas of white patching like the face, chest, and paws, and keep the patching to a minimum of 3. This may alter in connect with other white marks, such as piebald. 



Mask + Underbelly + White Marking = Wild

Wild is based off African Painted Dogs, and uses what white marking is present as a stylizer for the white patches that appear. Wild will create a mask that is untouched by the irregular white patterns. The white pattern may be irregular or neat, but for the most part will adhere to staying within the dark areas (but not always). The irregularity of the dark area may show patching and inner patching, but must remain on the underside of the suka only + tail.

Mismark must remain white, however the roan layer may follow roan color/opacity rules.

Wild tends to stick to the underbelly area, rather than touching the spine.



Etching + Points = Wolv

Wolv takes Points and restricts it to only the throat area, keeping the same color-scheme, and adding flecks to the outer areas and creating holes in the center of the throat. Wolv can become very stylized and unique, it is rare that one Wolv matches another, but it should be clear that it is not symbolic or man-made in appearance.

Wolv may be soft-edged or hard-edged or a mixture of both.

Wolv's color must be chosen from the Points palette, if your suka is modifier-effected, the color may end up changing. (i.e Blackened, Ember, Greying, etc) 

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