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+CM | modifier

COSMICis a modifier that causes a few markings or the entire coat to turn a soft pastel mixture of colors. Cosmic is unnatural in appearance and even on certain base colors can look similar to a sickly peculiar. Though there's no connection between infection and the modifier itself. 

Cosmic is a modifier that will appear alongside other modifiers unless it is carried. If a modifier omits markings, cosmic will only be able to effect markings that can be presented or must be carried.

COLOR-FRIENDLY ar markings are the only markings that may be effected by Cosmic. If a marking is listed as "lighter than/darker than" the base, then it will be able to show Cosmic. , It will not effect markings that say things like, "choose from the palette / color-locked/ x color only" and so on. 

Each marking effected does not need to be colored in the exact same way.


Each marking may be chosen off different palettes (ex. 2, urajiro is from the green palette, and collar is pink palette) 


Or you can mix the palettes on ONE marking, known as "cosmic bomb"

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