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"What are physical mutations? They are physical changes or growths on the body that alter how a 'standard' suka may look, these are classified as mutations, mutations can take on different shapes and forms but only with higher mutation levels. Physical Variations on the other hand, are simply other 'physical types' of body parts (usually tails or ears only) that may freely change between sukas, these changes are less abnormal hence why they are not considered mutations."



☛ How will I know what mutation level my suka is? 

  • All sukas BEGIN at mutation level ONE, so unless it's dictated elsewhere on your proof geno, you may not start using Mutation 2+ rules.

  • The only exception to this is finding a special token or item in the merchant shop.

☛ Can I use any mutations I want?

  • No, you may not, do not do this, no.

  • Mutations will be clearly BOLDED for you on a proof comment (underneath the pup's specific geno), otherwise your suka does not have any mutations.

☛ Can I use any physical variations I want?

  • Yes, do this, in fact we encourage you to use them to better customize a suka that has no flashy colors or mutations.

  • Physical variations are in the F2U PSD files, and are things like Rosebud ears, Coyote Tails/Ears, Blunt Ears, etc. Basically, if the ear/tail/etc LOOKS fancy, it most likely is not one of the 'free to use' variations.


☛ When editing a mutation level 2+ suka, what can I do to my mutations? How many mutations can I edit?

  1. You will typically see mutation lvl2+ on peculiars, morbus, or orcos but it can happen on standard builds too.


    1. All the mutations we carry AS THEY COME, this means if Fangs has 3 styles to choose from, you're free to choose any of those 3! But you cannot create your OWN lineart for fangs, or turn your fangs black, etc.​

    2. This is the default, admins will not denote if a suka is MutLvl1 because it is default.


    1. Allows you to edit (ONE) of your suka's mutations slightly, but either splitting the item at the tip or causing some sort of curl to the item. ​

    2. MutLvl2s often breed Color mutations easier, this is where you'll also start to see infected-dna related mutations like facial fungal growths.


    1. Allows you to edit (TWO) of your suka's mutations more freely.

    2. Completely split a mutation or double a mutation ONCE, such as a forked tongue​ or a double set of ears or pupils.

    3. Or color a mutation unnaturally, like black fangs or tusks.

    4. This is the last level of BUYABLE mutations.


    1. Can only be earned through admin events, specifically Story Missions or yearly group events. ​

    2. Allows you to edit all mutations your suka currently shows, you may not grow new mutations w/ this level.

    3. You may edit the item with the first three levels in mind (splitting, doubling, curling, etc) , while also creating your own lineart for the mutation ! 

    4. This means Lvl4 mutated sukas often have customized mutations that no other suka has. For example, Oriana's Cara Ears and Silk Tail (a normal level one mutation) are edited in their lineart to be completely unique.


​However , there are other ways to get slightly customized mutations like using Infected Salmon., you can see the Cara Ears on this suka are wider at the base, lacking of the tuft, completely unique !


☛ Where can I buy or get mutation level tokens?

  • They will most likely be available during group events or the USD shop, but will not pop up during regular user activities.

  • Sukas currently cannot be born any higher than Mutation level ONE , this is subject to change as we develop this area.


Above shows examples of a typical STUB TAIL and editing it while following the specifications listed under each mutation level.


It's important to note that no matter what level of mutation the Stub is effected by, it still only looks like a Stub tail mutation.

It does not suddenly become a corkscrew tail, or become longer than it really should. Always try to keep the mutation similar to its original, unless you're level 4 (or using Infected Salmon) the changes made to the mutation should only be options listed above.


Still unsure? Note the admins or ask the design team during approvals, we'll help!

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