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"Desert Koi is unique to PECULIAR sukas as a color mutation, creating a gold base and jade/gold shimmer of patchwork across the coat. It locks the entire base in either a pale cream or a rich yellow/orange, and allows for multicolored , merle-like patches (known as "abstract parts") across the body. These patches can be merle like or mimic something like scales (Seen in Shubunkin). Koi also allows for random white and lowered opacity abstract parts to mix into the base or show over the multi-colored patches.


The suka's base must remain 50% visible (includes lowered opacity abstract parts) , and the "koi" half may only cover 40-50% of the body at max and 30% at minimum.


Currently no modifiers effect Desert Koi, but will in the future."



☛ Base must be chosen from either OPT 1 or OPT 2.

☛ Patches must be chosen from the greenish swatch as the "primary color" or the most all encompassing color.

☛ Choosing from the secondary pinkish orange swatch should only be done when adding GRADIENT to the primary colors.

☛ Patches may take multiple colors at once, so long as no colors (once mixed together) appear to be a different hue than green, gold, orange, or orange-red/pink.

☛ Flesh can remain typical to the Pecular's base color, or it may switch to teal/greenish when effected by Koi

☛ White may be random or if a white marking is present in the geno, then white must follow the rules of that marking. Otherwise random amounts of white may appear (either symmetrically or asymmetrically) but if a white gene is not present, and you're simply adding white as final touch to the design, then it may not exceed 30% coverage.


"Patches can be larger and more 'clean' / uniform looking, but the final design must have some asymmetry to it and some elements of irregularity to it.


Below will show you a simple step by step on how to begin, add gradient, and structure a Desert Koi.


[!] Add secondary patches to add depth to the suka, but secondary color patches are not required. The above version would pass just the same as the "final" below version.

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