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“And then our people were pushed to the edge of the world, where we had hoped the infection could not follow us.”



The entire visible map/country, known as The Edge (or informally as “Edge”), is a long strip of land changed by many decades of worldwide destruction and breakdown on the western coast of the Pacific ocean. Edge can be described as a forested, generally lush, and lacking of tundras or deserts; the cities that once existed are now reclaimed mostly by nature. Edge is considered the safest land to live in, and anything surrounding the map has larger, more formidable danger zones with heavy infection rates. Edge is seen as the home to Sukas, who take up the majority of the gene pool here, however other pre-existing breeds of dogs may be occasionally seen around the area or interbreed. Humans showing up in the Edge are extremely rare, and usually lost or traveling by themselves looking for resources, they usually do not stay long due to the hostile canines in the area.


[!] How big is our map? From the centerline of The Edge and going upwards or downwards, would likely take a little over a week to two weeks to travel on foot. Meaning it could take a month and some days to go from the tippy top of the north to the very bottom of the south. Think of it like going from one state to another, and how long it would take to go from one end of a state to the other end of that same state. [Every 1.58 in is equal to 10 miles] This makes pack settlement and importance of resources necessary to pay attention to when choosing where or how to live ! 



Neutral locations are considered off limits for pack settlements and fighting over territory. These areas are often used as meeting places where Sheriffs can call upon people to settle any disputes when their services are needed. Neutral locations are the safest locations and void of infected.


Primal Summit

The Summit is where the Sheriffs officially live, surrounded by mountains that create a bowl, leading into the ravine, high above most other parts of the land. The Summit is considered lush, and extremely comfortable living, but most importantly it’s secluded and difficult to get to the top without following the right routes. Accidentally stumbling upon the Sheriffs here is unheard of, sneaking about is frowned upon but surely some do it. The Sheriffs will rarely call dogs to the Summit unless a heinous crime has been committed that must be kept private.

The Underground | The Undergrowth | The Bridge

The Underground, also goes by many other names, is the grand meeting place of all who live in the Edge. It is a quintessential part of the map, and all who live here know of the bridge. This is where all dogs may meet to listen to laws of the land, or discuss propositions to law changes or clarifications. Sheriffs will host announcements and trials here and the area is seen as official, taking up residence here is seen as off limits, unless one is a loner and truly down and out. The Underground is seen as beautiful and pristine, sitting over Abvista Rill, and carrying plenty of prey. 

Herb Spots

Herb spots are specific areas of condensed vegetation where specific medicinal herbs can be found for helping overcome sickness or heal minor injuries. These spots are off limits to pack settlement to avoid hoarding of materials that all dogs may need. 


Danger zones are off limits areas where high level of infection occur, or high quantities of infected live here. The Primals once decided that it is best to keep out of these areas if one is looking to survive, while bordering danger zones is extremely risky, it can be done for brave packs and families. 


Provinces are areas on the map broken up to mimic different states, however no one person or group governs these provinces. They are simply different areas of the map where cultural and social rules may differ from one another. Provinces hold within them different bloodline origins, and where some types of Suka may be more common than others (you may read more about the bloodlines in the bloodlines journal). These areas are not territories that are owned or have disputes with one another. While there are many mountains, lakes, rivers, and so on, anything noted here is of significance and has a specific name. Anyone and any pack may travel freely between provinces.

₪ Body of water | ༄ Rivers & Waterfalls | 〶 Coasts & Beaches | ⚘ Meadows, Grasslands, Plains 

 ㅆ Forests  | Λ Mountains, Valleys, Ravines | ¤ Caves | ☗ Ruins | ✱ Swamps & Marshes
















[PINK FLAG] Komroga

Komroga, the South, as its known informally, has most of its population along the coastlines where the rivers run and swamps form and rarely need to leave the province in search of resources. However, the areas that hold resources vary greatly in terrain and weather from end to end, and it takes a knowledgeable source to maneuver through the area. The Kolheo, Evo, and Vahra reside here. 


Red Reeds | The Red Fields ⚘ 

Red Reeds meadow is a large, very spacious area with plenty of prey and herds of animals to hunt. Within the meadow grows a lush array of red flowers, and so many people prefer to call the area Red Fields. With the mountains overlooking the quiet area, in the morning with light fog the area can be rather beautiful and chilling. A common place for many to see multiple times in their life. 

Rorose Creek | The Silent River ༄

Rorose Creek is also known as the silent river, and is one of the quieter rivers known that travels through Wind Waker.

Katana Beach 〶

Katana Beach is a beautiful almost tropic like beach with warm, clear waters and large palms. It almost feels as though one stepped into a different part of the world when coming here. While the shallow waters are nice, the deeper waters often hold terrible and hungry predators. 

Dove Lake ₪ 

Named mostly for its shape, Dove Lake is also known as Trinity Lake, spanning off into three different river directions, crossing the rivers and by the lake are common occurrences. The lake is surrounded by ruins of once cities, and can make a great area to house in if you know your way around. 

Iron Bluffs  Λ

Tall mountains looking down on the Red Fields and Elmack, described as having a soft greyish blue color to them, like slate and silver. The mountains themselves rarely adorn that lush green vegetation, and instead the area is covered in a rich brownish red vegetation. 

Elmack ㅆ

A forest resting on the Lotus River and just behind the Iron Bluffs, Elmack is considered lush and blissful. While the unskilled can easily get lost here and turned around, the ease of being able to find one or two landmarks proves apparent. However, the woods are covered in strange stones and carved rocks that like to glow at night. No one is quite sure what they are.

Lotus River ༄

A well known lake in the Edge, and a place considered once sacred by the primals. Lotus River is named for the many streams that stem from what looks like a lake in the shape of a lotus, and coincidentally in spring blooms with lotus flowers. The river and lake are one of the few very peaceful places on the map. 

Sleepy Woods ㅆ

A quiet forest where not much bad seems to happen, the pines are large and friendly, the oaks drip a lovely honey, and most dangers lie on the other side of the mountains.

Rust ☗

What’s simply known as ‘Rust’, these ruins are scattered around Dove Lake, and by their name are  red to blackish obsidian in color, if still standing at all. Some of the structures make great shelter from bad weather in a jiffy. There are plenty of cool metal pieces here that some like to rework into armor and accessories. 

The Labyrinth ✱

As its name would imply, these swamps are constantly referred to as simply The Labyrinth. Many who are not born of this area easily find themselves lost in the mangroves and thick bush. The fog keeps you blind and uncertainty can lie behind every piece of vegetation. Those who are able to navigate it well however, find themselves extremely protected. 

Dread Basin ₪

Residing in the swamp, Dread is dangerous territory to go snooping about in, and going towards the herb spot down south might leave you seeing a ghost. The basin is known for its heavy predator count of big cats and gators, as well as poisonous animals. Drinking from its watersheds are better than trying to go to the largest part of it. 

Witch’s Grave ¤

Ghost Cove is a cave that’s known as the home to the White Witch, who sparks fear and folklore throughout the swampy area, and most of the south. The witch’s powers are unknown, but most are said to go missing if they get too close to her home. To many she’s a cannibal, to others she makes unspeakable things happen, and the rest she comes across as a thief and a merchant. 



Knesni is one of the smaller provinces, only home to the Vanasqi who mostly reside up in the mountains. The lower lands are considered safe, but plain. The water resources, among other things are smaller and slim, and will take a trek either through or down the mountains to get to.  


Knesni Mountains Λ

The Knesni mountains are the highest in the land, and towards the top elevations can be a lot colder, even adorning snow during some parts of the year. The area is great for larger game hunting, but it can prove difficult.

Skyfold Λ

The largest valley on the map, Skyfold spans across four of the provinces in a crescent shape. It holds both grasslands, small woods, and rivers that are mostly safe. Skyfold is known for its lovely foliage of all different types, and high abundance of flowers and small prey and herds. Considerably a wonderful place to settle, but can get a bit boring for the adventurous. 


Mica is another large province that encompasses most of the middle Edge, however it is commonly referred to as the Midwest or West Midland. Home to the Chubee and Ese, the area is considered moderate in its threats. Infected roam sparsely except in the condensed danger zone. There are many deltas, and knowing how to tell a clean stream from a deadly one is very important here. The hunting can get hazy, the coasts have rather high cliffs, and resources all seem to meet at one place rather than spread around evenly. And while the Sheriffs are close, you may always feel like you’re being watched.


Gold Front 〶

Gold Front coast hosts a beautiful beach, and spans all the way down the territory. Many find themselves living in the area that has golden sands at dusk and dawn, and fishing during the daytime. Many fruits and berries grow along this coast, so it’s of no surprise that the home also shares territory with many different animals. A few miles from the beach are the rivers and lovely hills of green.

Serpent Falls ༄

A waterfall just at the tail end of Diamondhead, appropriately named Serpent Falls starts at the highest elevation of the mountain and pours downwards. The falls are a beautiful place with rich flora and fauna, and great for gathering in large pairs to help drown out the noise. Getting to the falls is not that tricky. 

The Eternal | The Ravine Λ

The Eternal ravine connects the Primal Summit to the Serpent Falls, and is considerably beautiful but also deadly. The high twisting mountains and rich forests can make the area almost inevitable to getting lost. Many who need to pass through the area travel up to the falls, or cross the Diamond riverbend. The Eternal, to those unfamiliar, feels endless, and there are little to no distinguishable landmarks until you reach the river. However, many do come here exploring for special gems and certain flowers. 

Diamondhead Lake | Diamond River ₪༄

Diamondhead Lake resides in the Primal Summit, and is a freshwater spring of some of the purest waters. It connects with the waterfall, meeting through the ravine, but also spills out into what’s known as Diamond River. Diamond River is where most in this area come to drink, as its the easiest to access, however down at its ends is where the algae loves to grow. 


Asiug is the east-mid part of the Edge and one of the safest provinces; home to the Abkelo, Iris, and Asad.  Asiug is extremely fertile land where plenty of small to medium prey exist. While they may lack variety in landscape, traveling is not difficult to do and the surrounding areas are generally safe to stumble into. 


*Skyfold also spans mostly across Asiug as well.

Heaven’s Range | Heaven Λ

Heaven’s Range is the mountains that border Abvista Rill and The Underground, possibly the safest mountains in the Edge. They are easy to navigate and hope to a wide array of fauna, considerably one of the best places for loners to live if they abide by the laws. 


Banded Buffalo | Buffalo Plains ⚘

Banded Buffalo is at the edge of Skyfold, trailing off towards the unknowns, and is known mostly for its heavy unique migration of bison and cattle-like animals throughout the year. The plains are mostly grassland and shrub until you hit Heaven, and run right over Heaven’s Veins, as the river is referred to. The place is homely and lovely, the only issue is the danger zones and possibility of going too far into the unknowns.



Zules, home to the Ada and Gion,  is a moderate grassland area with not too many forests or rivers running through it, however it does hold Antler Ridge, which is known to have lovely freshwater pockets and springs at the top of its elevations. The land is also known to hold a lot of feral livestock, herds, but especially wild horses. Knowing how to stay safe around potentially aggressive, bigger, and territorial animals is important. So instead, most dogs here take up fishing, and can navigate Abvista rather well. 


Abvista Rill  ₪༄

The largest (in terms of width) part of the river in Edge, it is the most significant river on the map and is known as the safest from infection. The river is loud, which keeps away the infected, and drowns out the sounds of large meetings of dogs. Abvista has the most plentiful fish, mostly salmon, all year round; however, even the most skilled fishers can be bested by the strong current. Many Sukas are lost to the Abvista’s flow yearly, and the young should be careful swimming in it. 

Little Elk ⚘

Little Elk is the entire surrounding grasslands in the province, and is home to the biggest variety of herd animals like horses, cattle, sheep, elk, deer, pronghorns, and goats. However, these animals are rather hard to hunt as their herd numbers can reach absurd amounts and they are highly territorial. Without a pack, dogs are better off fishing in the rill or lake. Aside from these threats, the level of infected and infection are extremely low here. 

Antler Ridge | Antler Λ

Antler Ridge mountains is a spine of smaller mountains driving through the middle of the province, and many people use it as a directional guide going through Little Elk. Antler is where a high number of elk live, and the name reflects the small ‘prong’ of mountains that come off the spine. Up at the top of the mountains where the elk seem to meet are pockets of freshwater springs that are almost always safe to drink from.



Vlana is considered the Upper Midwest, or Upper West-Midland and is plentiful in resources but has a few risks as well, and the entire provinces shares neutrality with the Merchant Forest. The area is bountiful in thick, heavy foresting and almost no ruins. Most dogs choose to stay near the coastline as the forests can hold prey and predators out to hunt. While danger could be lurking around every corner, the Yanni and Razna rarely think of leaving the area once settled. 


Merchant Forest | The Crying Lakes ㅆ₪

Merchant Forest is a dense forested area where at the center, all merchants meet to trade and sell items, while they might be slightly spread out from lake to lake, it is general that they live here. This is why the area is considered somewhat neutral, but not completely. The resources are plentiful here from water to food, mostly due to the fertile lakes surrounding the lakes, also known as the Crying Lakes.

Skullhead | Skull Mountains Λ

The second most deadly mountain range, also happens to be the shortest, is covered in a thick, humid forest that can almost be described like a jungle. Skullhead is home to many animals, mostly ones bigger than you, and can be deadly to those who don’t know how to navigate it. However, Skullhead is known to be an amazing place to find bones and craft items...wonder why. The edge and lowlands of the forest however, are extremely pleasant living areas for those who have a light and cautious step. 

Elephant Coast 〶

Named for the shape of it’s flailing trunk, Elephant Coast is a mostly safe area and its where the majority tend to live, either along the coast or near the river. Going too far north can be tricky as there is a danger zone, but surrounding it is a lush area filled with fruits, nice sized prey, and interesting forests with lovely views. The coast itself is known for either its black sands or its rocky, pebble-like beaches.



Bata is home to the Keisi and Obis, who span out across the large marshlands with ease. Being known as the land where everyone can see their neighbor simply by looking hard enough. Bata has the most rivers and streams spread evenly in all directions, but it is important to know clean from deadly waters. The land is plentiful in small prey, but dangerous prey like snapping turtles, snakes, and large mean insects fight back. The coast here is less of a beach, but is home to many large bird species, making the canines in this area very good and agile hunters to get through water and leap in the air. Bata is one of the safer areas from infecteds roaming, most of the threats are one another or other animals. 


Peach Blossom ✱

Peach Blossom is the largest marsh area on the Edge and is home to many types of wildlife and many packs and families. The marsh is considered relatively safe for those who know how to get around in the waterways and nearby non-dense forests that surprisingly house peach trees. Considered to be a yummy treat, and providing a sweeter scent than stale water, many dogs find it easy to live in the area. 


Peach Seed ₪

The largest lake in the area, Peach Seed, is known to be of usual clean conditions, but not always, as the fish in these waters swim in from the ocean and are usually rather contaminated or sickly. Most dogs know better than to fish in the lake itself, and will go to other parts of the river where infected fish don't make it to. Peach seed is known for its covering of beautiful pink willow trees. 


Jalo, known informally as the North, is a small province that becomes the coldest all year round, sometimes adorning snow but not always. The land is usually described as forested with many in lands of deep cliffs and crashing waves. Jalo is home to the Reva, and is generally known as one of the more dangerous areas, as it lies right on the end of the Edge. Pockets of infected show up and migrate regularly, so learning how to be silent and mindful is important. Larger packs usually do not do well here due to the trouble of raising offspring in a dangerous environment; however dogs in this area are usually versatile in their skills of hunting, fishing, trekking, and knowledge of herbs. 


Sharptooth 〶

Sharptooth coast is a deadly place for those who aren’t knowledgeable. The steep cliffs, crashing waves, and volume of infected can leave one wondering why anyone would want to live here at all. However, the seclusion and fishing spots are sublime. The surrounding forests are not heavy, and resemble more hills than anything else. The right pack can find this home spacious rather than cramped, and safe with the right precautions. 

Honeybee Trail ⚘

The connective land that one must travel to get to a certain herb spot right pass a danger zone is known as Honeybee Trail. Not because bees live here in vast amounts but because of the beautiful yellow bushes and flowers that seem to grow only along this trail. The passage itself can be narrow at some points, and getting too close to the edge can certainly kill you, but it’s a sight to see.


Spidersilk Λ

The mountains far up north, often times covered in white during the colder seasons, is appropriately named Spidersilk for its color and its unique properties. Many caves lie within the mountains that boast of not only bioluminescence but beautiful silks, either from insects, birds, or something else. No one is quite sure as to why, but the silks here are considered delicate and durable all at once, making them supreme materials to craft with. However, moving through the mountains can prove very difficult for newcomers, the cold, storms, and close range of infected can leave one struggling before even reaching the caves.





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