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Overview: Base Color

“Cc / CC” Common Colors

 Scotch, Blonde, Red, Sage 


“Uc / UC” Uncommon Colors

 Rust, Black, Hazelnut, Toffee 


“Rr / RR” Rare Colors

Cognac, Champagne, Blue, Peach

Base Colors are the actual start of a geno, and can determine what color all other markings may lean towards. Whenever you see “relative to base color” it means whatever is NATURAL when placed ontop the BASE COLOR. When trying to find the perfect pairing, think about RARITY not specific color/genes. The only time specific colors matter is for cross-colors.


There are several base colors, and each base color has (3) palette options to freely choose from. The exceptions are CROSS COLORS, which much follow the palettes, gradient, and other rules presented on its information guide.


A “black” suka like Barks, can be Bay Black, Liver Black, or Onyx Black
While a “mimosa” suka like Rec, can only appear pinkish orange in color.


This is the main difference between a Cross Color and Regular Color, one has many options while the other is locked to a singular option. This is why we allow users to “opt out” of Cross Coats/Colors, by downgrading to the next available gene. 

(?) For Rec, this means if we didn’t want him to be Mimosa in color, we can make him Peach instead, since his geno string tells us he is a “Rr” or “Rare Color”



This is what Breeding Admins call the “successive color”, our base colors flow on a string of succession.


Blonde ⥱ Hazelnut / Toffee ⥱ Champagne /  Peach

Scotch ⥱ Rust / Hazelnut ⥱ Cognac

Sage ⥱ Black / Toffee ⥱ Blue / Horizon

Red ⥱ Black / Rust / Toffee ⥱ Horizon / Champagne


(A) What does this list mean though? This shows the next “succession” of color for each color, a Blonde can evolve into a Hazelnut/Toffee, that evolves into a Champagne, Cognac, or Peach dog with growing rarity and so on for each string. 


(B) Admins read this differently than the user, by using rarity. What admins see from a Sage Sire x Black Dam is “Common x Uncommon Color”. From there, our roller can spit out an offspring result like:


“Offspring 1: Sire’s Common Base Color”


(C) Take the Sire, and find out which color is common relative to his base color and its rarity. Let’s say our Sire was the “Black” in the above Sage x Black example. His “Common Base Color” would be SAGE, since it is the only common color in succession of Black

(Q) What are

cross colors?

(TIP) You can find out if a suka is Cross Colored, by checking the “Lineage Markings” section of their import.

(A) Cross Colors tell you what their next successive color is by the following: “Cross Black” / “Cross Peach”, etc. Whatever the Cross Color falls under, tells you which string of color evolution it follows when breeding. A Black and a Cross Black are the same rarity to our roller. A Peach and a Cross Peach are the same rarity (rare), and so on.

(!!!) Alternatively, you should know that a Cross Color doesn’t automatically breed more Cross Colors.

If you want Perma offspring off of your already Perma suka, find yourself a CHAMPAGNE, because Perma requires a Blue (or Cross Blue) x Champagne. (example)



(B) “Rec” wasn’t born Mimosa, the user gets to make that choice when designing. Rec is only allowed to use Mimosa because he has “Cross Peach” in his phenotype. He would be allowed to “upgrade” his base color to Mimosa because of his parents, or he can choose to be whatever his originally rolled color was (which was likely Peach, if he was able to use a "Cross Peach" color)


Rate of passing

“=” breeds out

“/” per offspring generated

“%” Chance of happening out of ~100.

The rate (or chance) of passing for Base Colors is the list below, while markings follow some different rules, on the next page. Below is a LOT of odd % numbers, they aren’t important to remember. The easiest way to read the % is just the bigger the number = the more likely (option) to happen. The important part you should pay attention to when pairing is the BOLDED headers, they tell you what to breed in order to get the % outcomes.


Common x Common Base =
Common (85%) | Uncommon (10%) | Rare (5%) / pup


Common x Uncommon Base = 
Common (65%) | Uncommon (25%) | Rare (10%) / pup


Common x Rare Base =
Common (50%) | Uncommon (40%) | Rare (10%) / pup


Uncommon x Uncommon Base = 
Common (35%) | Uncommon (50%) | Rare (15%) / pup


Uncommon x Rare Base = 
Common (25%) | Uncommon (45%) | Rare (30%) / pup


Rare x Rare Base = 
Common (25%) | Uncommon (35%) | Rare (40%) / pup


(From there, it’s a paternal lean of what the base color string will likely be no matter each pup’s rarity.)

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