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An official Infected (ALL CLASSES) will roll a random infectivity rate (RIR)  that is specific to that suka and can be slowly altered with medication from TWG. These rates apply only to user-owned infected class suka, group NPC activities will have unique infected rates.


Your RIR is automatically rolled upon registering an infected class.

R.I.Rs per class

Class 3 : 0-5% (very low) 
Class 2 : 5-10% (low) & 15-25% (contagious) 
Class 1 : 15-25% (contagious)  & 30-35% (highly contagious)



For group related events (MMs, Discord, etc) if a suka has a RIR of 20% or higher, they cannot participate in these activities. They may still be RPV and roleplay. Use medications to lower your rates if you wish to have them to participate.


During Breeding, your RIR will apply to your PARTNER’S SUKA and enter them into a POI roll, this is something that will need to be known and agreed upon between both parties before submitting breeding requests or lending out slots! Alternatively, it will apply to your (healthy) suka being bred to an infected class starter / npc.

Litters vary on their own genetics, but the infected-class of parents will help determine the health of the pups, and RIR will not apply to each individual pup, who will need to roll their own RIR once registered. 

⤬⤬⤬ COLLABS ⤬⤬⤬

In instances where your suka takes a particular medication that allows them to be in groups of people, RIR will be rolled each time another member is featured in an entry with your infected suka. When featured with others, make sure to include this checklist in the description along with your tracker information: IF none of the these things happen, no POI will be rolled.

RIR % 

  • Did the Infected BITE their partner(s) playfully or otherwise? | Y/N

  • Did the Infected ATTACK or SCRATCH their partner(s) playfully or otherwise? | Y/N

  • Did the Infected DRINK or EAT from the same consumable as their partner(s)? | Y/N

  • Did the Infected KISS or LICK their partner(s)? | Y/N

⚠️That is all admins need to know, so please be sure to answer these questions in your description! Rewards cannot be rolled until this is presented.

becoming infected

When participating in (admin-lead) events or activities (such as: Monthly Minis, Encounters, Paw Prompts, Random Events, etc) users can at times encounter situations where a (Class1 & 2) Infected is present.


Whenever an Infected is present in a prompt, sukas who participate can receive a possibility of infection roll (POI). Users will always be warned of POI endings, so if you risk it for the biscuit and a suka you didn’t want infected get infected you were warned.

p.o.i thru activities

MONTHLY MINI (MM) ➡ 10% infectivity roll
EXPANSION GOALS (EG) ➡ 25% infectivity roll
SIDE MISSIONS ➡25% infectivity roll
STORY MISSIONS ➡ 35% infectivity roll

PAW PROMPTS ➡10%  infectivity roll
BANDIT TAMING ➡ 10%  infectivity roll
RANDOM EVENTS ➡ 10-25%  infectivity roll

5-20%  infectivity roll

5-20%  infectivity roll

PACK EVENTS ➡30%  infectivity roll

5-25%  infectivity roll

p.o.i thru BREEDING


2% infectivity roll (to partner)


10% infectivity roll (to partner)

BREEDING W/ STARTER INFECTED/MORBUS ➡ 10-30% infectivity roll (to partner)

Crystal Salt

!If your suka is a breeding geno, their infection counter will begin when they are uploaded to TURPadmin. If your suka is already uploaded to TURPadmin, and is then infected, their counter will begin the 1st day of the upcoming season. (For example, I receive a positive POI in December, Winter Season, my infection counter will not begin until Feb 1st of Spring Season). 

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