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Intro: reading markings

(!) Markings can only roll up to 4 max per rarity, unless an item is used.

(!) Sukas born with naturally over 6 markings are considered “Genobombs”.

(!) We also look at markings the same way we see base colors, in rarity and not in specifics, only this time it stays that way. YOU choose which markings to present on your suka, and we give you the “limitations'' of what you may choose, you are also limited by what markings the parents have. 


(!) The only time a marking is chosen for you, is if one of the parents have a DOMINANT gene. You will see Dominant genes like so: “Common Markings (1 max), Uncommon Markings (2 max, Dominant Somatic)” This tells you that the Somatic on your pup can be DOMINANT, but it’s also warning you that you MUST show Somatic (in either form.) You cannot downgrade dominant marks, or opt out of doing them, like modifiers.


(!) Parents with DOMINANT genes can also roll required non-dominant variants of that marking. A dominant Somatic parent can roll a required Somatic marking on pups, no Somatic required, or a small sliver to pass the Dominant Somatic (ST) gene.


(TIP) You can always downgrade Marking (Rarities) if applicable. If I was rolled a pup with 4 Uncommon markings, but would rather a few of the markings be Common, and a few be Uncommon, I can do that. However I cannot UPGRADE any genes, for example if I have 1 common marking, I cannot upgrade it to uncommon just because my parents have uncommon markings.”


Markings vary on pass rate, as some “markings” known as modifiers pass at a different rate than plain ol’ Mask.


Modifiers work similar to Markings, however Modifiers are chosen for each offspring, based soley on what the parents show.


*There are certain modifiers that mutated from other genes/modifiers. Something like Bloom, mutated from Seal, therefore Blooms have a slim chance of passing Seals, Blooms, or other relations.

Females hold a 40% chance of passing the gene,

while Males hold a 60% chance.​

(!) This changes for things like
Designer Markings, which have a special breakdown.
(?) Our roller basically says , “Hey, you rolled that gene you wanted, but only if that gene is also on the SIRE” (or whatever parent it chooses, it just leans paternal.)

(!) "nA" is an empty gene holding spot.


nA x nA =  

(5%) Chance for a random regular modifier to appear.

Modifier x nA =  

(10%) Chance of passing gene , (5-10%) Chance of recessive/other related gene

Modifier x (Matching) Modifier =

 (20%) Chance if both parents show the same modifier, (10%) chance of dominant gene

Pass Rate: markings

Markings only tell you what KIND (rarity) and how MANY (max amount) of markings that may appear on said offspring.


To know WHICH specific markings you can choose FROM, always look to the Sire and Dam. (i.e If my offspring rolls Common Marking (1 Max), I should see what common markings my parents have , and pick from there.)

Marking Rarity Pass Rate 
nA x Common Markings (At least 1) = 25% chance of passing Common Markings

Common x Common Markings =  50% chance of passing Common Markings 


nA x Uncommon Markings (At least 1) = 12% chance of passing Uncommon Markings

Uncommon x Uncommon Markings =  40% chance of passing Uncommon Markings 


nA x Rare Markings (At least 1) = 5% chance of passing Rare Markings

Rare x Rare Markings =  30% chance of passing Rare Markings 


Marking Amount Pass Rate 
Neither Parent has (at least 1) Rarity of Marking = 5% chance of rolling (1 max) marking anyway, which you can downgrade.

  • Rolling 1 marking = 40% chance // translates to (1 max)

  • Rolling 2 markings = 35% chance // translates to (2 max)

  • Rolling 3 markings = 20% chance // translates to (3 max)

  • Rolling 4 markings = 5% chance // translates to (4 max)

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