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 TheUndergroundRP does not use an already existing dog breed; the breed known as Sukas, was specifically created for this roleplay, and due to that there must be ‘beginning bloodlines’ for all imports/characters that come into the roleplay. It has been almost a hundred years of breeding inside of the Edge, so the chances that one can very accurately say they are of one distinct lineage is very hard. The exception to this rule is often Sheriffs, who's bloodlines must remain very pure for the sake of tradition.


Lineage pertains to the suka's immediate pedigree of other sukas (and its oftentimes not canonical, having a NPC in your lineage, does not really mean you're the son of that NPC, it's moreso a breeding placeholder to prevent inbreeding.) and you will find that in a suka's import information in the "tree diagram" labeled under "LINEAGE"


Next to lineage is BLOODLINE MAJORITY , which refers to the suka's lifestyle , culture , and upbringing (as well as typically referring to a specific area.) It's not acutely specific but its specific enough to get an idea of how that suka may of been raised.  Yes, sukas can be nasty towards other bloodlines, but this is often based more around territory and not a true feeling of bloodline-superiority.


Lineage & Bloodline Majority aside, you'll see more specific separations of certain lineages, these lineages derived from the Primals (hence the naming), but have for the most part, become very diluted and unless a suka retains residence in a certain territory or has some sort of proof, it's often hard to prove how much primal blood a suka has.


"I'm of Evo"

= I come from this primal's grandkids

*similar to announcing one's race/heritage


"I'm Komroga"

= I come from the deep southern area. 

*most common saying


"My mother and father are..."

= This is my pedigree

*often times does not directly (canonically) correlate to the randomly rolled parents you might've received.



The Southern bloodlines are typically known as the friendlier of bloodlines, they’re hospitable and generally very giving people. Consisting of the Kolheo, Evo, and Vahra, the southern people are generally joyous and tough loving types who value their community and individual strength and bravery,



  • Known For: Hospitality & Bravery

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Empathy, Companionship, Strength, Family, Tenacity

  • Leisure: Brawl Matches, Feasts, Storytelling, Bonfires

  • Discrimination: Fairly low, they are not typically hostile towards those who are different.

  • Taboo: Inability to hunt, fight, or produce offspring.

  • Gender Roles: Males and females tend to be on equal footing, with neither needing to prove themselves more to one another.



  • Fabric Material: Linen, Rabbit & Reptile Hides, Gold leaf

  • Patterns: Dots, half-circles, chevrons

  • Common Colors: Red, Navy blue, gold, and beige

  • Pieces of Clothing: Cuffs, Leg guards, Helmets/Headgear, Chokers , Vests

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Crop/docks , Opals, Gold, Beads

  • Eating Type: Usually with others, family, as a group.

  • Special Dish: Roasted goat meat with wild onion and wild rice bread, called Chima. 

  • Alcohol: Strong rice beer fermented made with beach strawberries, called Rose Sake.

  • Dish Customs: Roasted on open fires, served with little spice and savory meaty flavors.



  • Material Majority: Tend to like using stone  with gold decor and small trees around the home.

  • Sizing: Usually large to accommodate big families and hosting dinners

  • Hardiness: Stand for many generations usually.



The East Midland, known as Asiug is an endless grassland where the bison and boar roam at constant, making the need for a nomadic life inevitable. The Abkelo, Iris, and Asad are usually wary of people they’ve not seen before, as they know every inch of the land and those within it, outsiders are not always welcomed. However, once they warm up to you, they are eager to share the ingenuity and tradition. It is important to approach them calmly and with peace of mind.



  • Known For: Nomadic Lifestyle

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Tracking, crafting, protectiveness, calmness, gracefulness

  • Leisure: Crafting pelts and traps, music, racing

    • Their music is usually described as “haunting, moody, but powerful” done with river reeds and balsa-wood flutes.

  • Discrimination: Children and not taken seriously until they prove themselves

  • Taboo: Leaving your partners/pack members behind to fend for themselves.

  • Gender Roles:  Males are generally tend to see themselves as superior to females, unless the female is nursing or has offspring. Passing on the generation is seen as extremely valuable. 



  • Fabric Material: Linen, Pig & Buffalo Hide & Leather, Furs

  • Patterns: Circles, slashes, herringbone

  • Pieces of Clothing: Vests, leg guards, booties/gloves, belts, flank guards.

  • Common Colors: Pale yellows, pale green-yellow, maroon

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Copper anklets, Peridot, Nose Rings and Facial Piercings 

  • Eating Type: Usually in groups that travel together, eating all at once and together.

  • Special Dishes: A savory, spicy stewed bison with wild carrots and wild asparagus, called Kitarra. Often times eaten with a side of freshly muddled berries.

  • Alcohol: A sweet fermented and steeped until warm, boar’s milk, with a hint of berry flavor, usually milky white, called Angel Tea.

  • Dish Customs: Usually spicy and sweet flavors, with lots of vegetables and fruits.



  • Material Majority: Any naturally made den can work, but often times they sleep under the stars near streams. Sometimes they mark their trails with light yellow strips of satin, known as ‘Flags’

  • Sizing: Enough to accommodate one small family or one individual usually.

  • Hardiness: n/a



The Eastern Lowlands are small and secluded, the Vanasqi mostly live in the mountains and have learned to stay there. They are a stern and educated people who value their health and agility, their humor is intelligent and often sarcastic. They generally do not take in outsiders or help them, but are not aggressive towards them.



  • Known For: Mountaineering

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Agility, Speed, Caution, Adaptability, and Humor

  • Leisure: Carving, cave exploring, sheep herding races, reading

  • Discrimination: Typically do not like outsiders with little to no exceptions.

  • Taboo: Disrespect of / going against an elder or superior

  • Gender Roles: While males are generally the leaders, females compete equally with males of their same rank.



  • Fabric Material: Thread, Goat & Sheep Hide, Dyed Jute, and Herbs for decor

  • Patterns: Ikat and Southwestern

  • Pieces of Clothing: Gloves, Shoulder pads, collars, head-wraps, shawls, tunics

  • Common Colors: Light to Burnt Orange, white, and teal

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Silver bracelets and beads, Tassels

  • Eating Type: Open, eating together or eating alone is common and okay.

  • Special Dishes: Lamb ribs rubbed with cilantro and oregano and cooked on a heated stone slab with hickory nuts, until crisped on both sides, called Laduma.

  • Alcohol: A mild wheat beer with muddled cilantro and a foam on top, called Kicka.

  • Dish Customs: Very aromatic and light tasting foods, often consisting of lots of herbs.



  • Material Majority: Typically painted slabs of stone tilted together, decorated with silver metals, and carvings into the stone.

  • Sizing: Usually large enough to house a small family or mates, big families of 4 or more often have multiple homes..

  • Hardiness: Stand the test of time usually.



The West-Midland is known to be moderate with the threats to land and those living in it, a lot of places seem to be tapered off in your favor, and the Chubee and Ese stick to this rigidly. Instead of hunting often, they prefer fishing on the coasts or farming their own crops and small prey so that they do not have to travel. They are a humble people, hardy and dedicated to the land. Seeing outsiders is common for them, and with the right approach they will likely help you or house you until you’re feeling well again. They greatly value the knowledge of plants and their uses.



  • Known For: Farming & Coastal living

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Flora knowledge, patience, gratitude,  caution, observant nature

  • Leisure: Gem collecting on the beach, fishing, botany, building and crafting

  • Discrimination: Most families or packs generally look down upon loners or nomads.

  • Taboo: Venturing into the Eternal or sneaking into Primal Summit.

  • Gender Roles: Females are generally seen as the head of the farming and botany, and therefore head of the children and home. They are seen as more dominant due to their lack of impulse and willingness/dedication to tend to their farms. 



  • Fabric Material: Wool, Hemp, Rabbit/Fox fur is common

  • Patterns: Suzani & Ogee or plain

  • Pieces of Clothing: Hats/Headgear, Vests or short-sleeved garment, ponchos, utility belts and over the shoulder packs.

  • Common Colors: Red, tans/browns, and black

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Beach glass or Moonstone, Brass/Bronze/Copper bracelets & necklaces

  • Eating Type: Generally solitary or parents with their children

  • Special Dishes: Slow roasted fish with dill, bay leaves, sage and a side of lemon and pepper sauce and a mix of fresh greens and wild rice.

  • Alcohol: Very subtle blackberry & grape brandy.

  • Dish Customs: Refreshing flavors and aromatic spices.



  • Material Majority: Usually made of wood with arches near the entry, lanterns are common to be hung near the doorway as a light source. Dirt and stone paths are commonly made around their small farms or gardens. 

  • Sizing: Usually segregated and small, allowing each member of the family to have their own den.

  • Hardiness: Decent, only accidental fires seem to break down the living conditions.



The general bountifulness of the land leaves surprisingly too much room for greed and aggression by the Ada and Gion. They are known not only to go after the outsiders but even those who live within the Zules province. They are anything but hospitable, and value their abilities to slight and steal from one another. Those in Zules are often described as the hyenas of the Edge, and hold a chaos-driven hold over the area most of the time until the Sheriffs come to put them back in their places. Loners can consider this area pretty hostile to them, unless they are in the safety of the Underground’s borders.



  • Known For: Roguish & Brute Behavior

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Cunning, Athleticism, Quick Thinking, Lithe bodies

  • Leisure: Fishing, Knife throwing, Horse taunting, Exploring, Drumming

    • Their drumming is often described as “fast and energetic”

  • Discrimination: Tend not to like anyone outside of their own packs, especially elderly.

  • Taboo: Killing of another pack’s offspring is seen as awful, but common.

  • Gender Roles: Males tend to dominate pack lives, and females are subordinate or seen as ‘weaker’ even if intelligent and quick-witted. 



  • Fabric Material:  Cotton or Dyed Linen, Silk, and Tapa

  • Patterns: Diamonds or Scales

  • Common Colors: Earthy yellow-greens, beige, tan, pops of reddish-pink or blue

  • Pieces of Clothing: Straps/Belts for utility, Layered clothing, Plated armor, Shawls

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Tin bracelets and necklaces, pieces of clothing with diamonds.

  • Eating Type: Usually with their hunt-mates, or alone, burping is a positive sign.

  • Special Dishes: Dried herb elk with a fried egg on top, usually served with a pungent tart fermented and roasted grain sauce, called, Zofo.

  • Alcohol: A very strong, fizzy wheat ale that tastes bitter and earthy, called Black Blood. 

  • Dish Customs: Drying meats, heavy protein, and sweet/tart/savory flavors.



  • Material Majority: Usually homes made from natural dens, or by using stretched elk hides and flexible wood to craft a dome shaped home. Usually with antlers or horns adorning the home, and spikes of rock surrounding the base.

  • Sizing: Big enough usually for one or two dogs.

  • Hardiness: Can generally be destroyed very easily, so protection is a must.



The Upper-Midwest is seen as a more classy and elevated living, cultured and highly diverse in the types of Sukas that gather here, but mostly consist of Yanni and Razna. Even hybrids are not frowned upon here and they usually welcome anyone, especially the weary, with open arms and food to give. They are not a struggling people who go meal to meal, and this leaves them with plenty of leisure time to partake in different ingenuity with arts. 



  • Known For: Music and Arts

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Craftsmanship, Intelligence, Trekking, Hunting

  • Leisure: Study of culture and world knowledge, crafting, sculpting, and playing musical instruments, mingling

    • Their music is described as somber, but sweet. Usually played with flutes, stringed instruments, and soft hide drums. 

  • Discrimination: The discriminate surprisingly little, except against those who seem very closed minded and ignorant.

  • Taboo: To grow up withheld from education, especially basic law and world history.

  • Gender Roles: Males are generally seen as more often educated, however, females are dominant in the arts, and so they are equal but slightly mentally battling one another. 



  • Fabric Material: Leather, hides, furs, cotton, especially silks

  • Patterns: Usually geometric or multi-colored woven items

  • Pieces of Clothing: Toeless boots, Layered clothing, Cloaks, Chokers, Collars

  • Common Colors: Multi-colored items, white, and silver.

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Faint paint is very common, Nickel and Jade accessories. 

  • Eating Type: Alone is fine, though dinner parties seem to be fun and common, snacking and drinking throughout the day is common

  • Special Dishes: Aromatic and sweet beef loin in a millet noodle soup, carefully dressed with a mix of wild vegetables.

  • Alcohol: A strong and sweetly spiced Oregon grape wine that’s richly dark purple red in color, called Dragon Rush.

  • Dish Customs: Aromatic and sweet, with hints of spices, especially cinnamon. 



  • Material Majority: Usually natural cave dens, or carved stones chipped into the bases of mountains and rocks. Usually decorated with tassels, fabrics, paints, and musical chimes. What is unusual, but common with Upper-Midwest homes are the attachment of thin wooden doors.

  • Sizing: Usually spacious and big enough to host many people.

  • Hardiness: Tend to be hard to knock down.



Only the Reba seem to have stayed inhabiting the Northern areas, and therefore, isolation and being alone are very common lifestyles. Most who live here are simply shadows to outsiders, a place where loners will be left in peace and not bombarded to partake in communal living. Either due to the harsher landscape or threat level, it is clear that coming to the North is seemingly an inevitably lonely life.



  • Known For: Isolation & Practicalness 

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Adaptability, Intelligence, Observance, Quietness, Hardiness

  • Leisure: Crafting (especially clothing) , music, exploration

    • Their music is described as “airy” and played on chimes or wooden made instruments.

  • Discrimination: Outsiders and especially male loners, are kept away from.

  • Taboo: Raising a family, losing offspring, courting an outsider

  • Gender Roles: Females and males are equal here, but females generally seem to have the upper hand as they rarely take mateship with any males and are wary of them. 



  • Fabric Material: Wool, cotton, heavy furs, leather, silk

  • Patterns: Paisley, Toile, or Herringbone

  • Common Colors: Dark blues, light greys, and black.

  • Pieces of Clothing: Layered clothing, cloaks, jackets, furred items, leg braces, backpacks

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Iron anklets or rings, polished until shiny. Garnet.

  • Eating Type: Alone

  • Special Dishes: Slow cooked honey rabbit stew, slightly sweet and savory, with a mix of herbs and wild mushrooms, called Sweet Hare.

  • Alcohol: A very lightly flavored chamomile drink with fermented berries, muddled with mint served warm, called Clouded Arrow.

  • Dish Customs: Sweet flavors, honey undertones, berries, and mint are very common.



  • Material Majority: Usually natural caves and dens, but with decorative arches of wood in front of the entry. Stones and statues are usually places up the walkway.

  • Sizing: Usually big enough for one or a small family.

  • Hardiness: Stands the test of time usually.



Some say the Eastern Highlands is where life began, and the Keisi and Obis have been reluctant to leave their homes and span outwards. The area is generally safe, and the packs and families heavily rely on one another to be each other’s protection. They are seen as very communal, wanting to know their neighbors by name, and knowing the loners too. Looking out for one another is highly valued, and having good intent is smiled upon.



  • Known For: Honorability & Safety

  • Favored Skills & Traits: Honor, Humbleness, Hunting ability, Strength

  • Leisure: Small bonfires, trekking and foraging, turtle chasing, drinking

  • Discrimination: Tend to be rather low if apparent at all, everyone is seen as equal if they pull their weight.

  • Taboo: Blasphemy against Father Obis, disrespect of elders and parents, leaving one’s pack.

  • Gender Roles: Males are generally seen as the stronger, more head of the house, however they do not see females as inferior, but slightly incapable of self-protection from predators. 



  • Fabric Material: Cotton, Satin, Hemp, Fur & Hide

  • Patterns: Greek Key and Chevron

  • Pieces of Clothing: Shawls, Ponchos, Leg Guards, Booties, Neck protection, Eye protection

  • Common Colors: Reds, Browns and Tans, Emerald/Jade Greens

  • Jewelry & Accessories: Jade, Amber, and polished obsidian accessories and adornments

  • Eating Type: In small friend groups, even if all under one pack/family.

  • Special Dishes: Roasted alligator tail and savory stork meat, with wild asapargus and a mix of greens and rice wild, called Wayu. 

  • Alcohol: A sweet and tangy reed and wheat ale with fermented peach, called Blossom Sake.

  • Dish Customs: Savory, sweet, but especially peachy notes in most of their foods.



  • Material Majority: Various large leaves, reeds, grasses, reinforced with clay and flexible wood, usually with flat roofs made of the same materials. Tassels and strips of fabric adorning the home are common, as well as decor like carved trinkets. 

  • Sizing: Usually spacious but homely, enough for a small family, but not all adults.

  • Hardiness: Pretty hardy, though with effort, can come crashing down.

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