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Experience points (XP) allow you to unlock certain activities in the group but for the most part these are a passive experience that you will gain over time while participating in the group with art/writing. You can gain XP through art and writing, and participating in events. There are experience points that go to your suka and some go to YOU the user/owner. Your XP is known as "User XP" and will unlock more important features like breeding and crafting. 


"When redeeming art/lit/rps, admins reserve the right to deny any low-quality/spam/filler submissions. The only exception for this is pieces made specifically for Loot Rolls. If you can't bring yourself to submit your work to your gallery or ours, then chances are you shouldn't be submitting it for UXP/XP/Bones. Submissions stored off-site or in Stash generally do not count towards any earnings within the group unless discussed prior with staff, but we heavily prefer all redeemable work to be properly submitted."




Your User XP is used to unlock certain game aspects. There are only (2) ways to earn user xp.


  • Redeeming a Quest Standard piece = 10 User Points (10 UXP)

  • Redeeming a "General Piece" = 5 User Points (5 UXP)

    • General pieces are any art/lit that do not meet quest standards.​

    • This includes medallions, custom applications, tracker chibis, and mis art.

    • UXP only counts per submission, a doodle page for example would not be 5 UXP / doodle.

  • (Q) I have art/lit from another user, that I commissioned, how do I redeem it?

    • (A) UXP can only be earned from art/lit that YOU create, it is your user experience after all.

    • This includes offsite art/lit from freelancers you commission, these pieces will not count for UXP, but can still provide XP for your suka(s).


This is the only way to earn UXP, it's very simple! Your UXP is logged in the same area as your suka's, on the "XP Hub". Your user XP is logged whenever you submit through the REDEEM FORMS featured above. You will not use UXP for anything other than unlocking certain game aspects, its more for admins. 


(!!!) NOTICE: UXP does not account for any submissions of work BEFORE its date of existence (1/12/2021). Old users may not redeem pieces made before this date UNLESS they are FFR 2021 entries, this is the only exception. Everyone will begin on the default level for this new system to keep things fair. However, if you were a member (with crafting/breeding/etc) abilities before this date, you will have your rights grandfathered in until March 2021, before you must start adhering to the new system too.



We are continuously adding new activities for users to explore, but realistically it takes time to get into everything. This can help you pace yourself and set goals for what you want to do next. Once you as a user unlock something, all your sukas then unlock the ability to do the below aspects.


  • CRAFTING: Requires 50 UXP to unlock. 

  • LARGE PREY HUNTING: Requires 75 UXP to unlock.

  • FISHING: Requires 100 UXP to unlock. 

  • BREEDING: Requires 150 UXP to unlock.

    • BREEDING TO ORCOS:​ Requires 250 UXP to unlock.

  • PREDATOR HUNTING: Requires 300 UXP to unlock.

  • EXCAVATION: Requires 500 UXP to unlock

SUKA XP (xp)

Sukas earn XP through many things, but mostly art/lit/roleplays. Users can also earn bones off submissions, just make sure you redeem them!


♦ Bullet means this is the BASE calculation, choose only one.

✧ Bases only account for art that is fully lined / fully colored / or painted/vectored.

✧ (A submission can't be both a Headshot and Waist up, for example.

+ Plus means an ADDITION to a chosen base.


✒ "Doodle Pages / XP Pages / Spam Dumps" will not count under regular artwork.

✒ Events / Monthly Minis earn you an additional +2 Bones on any (1) submission.



2 XP | 2 Bones / per submission


 5 XP | 3 Bones / per submission


10 XP | 5 Bones / per submission


+ Shading : +2 XP 

(must touch at least 30-50%) of the suka

+ Simple Background : +4 XP

(gradients, flat colored, vectored geometric bgs, etc)

+ Complex Background / Quest Standard BG : +8 XP | +2 Bones

(anything that qualifies under quest standard)

+ Other (User's) Suka or NPC Featured : +2 XP | +1 Bone

(two of your own suka in an image, does not qualify for this bonus.)

+ Simply Animated : +5 XP

(blinking animations, simple icon animations, ear flicking, etc)

+ Advanced Animation : +10 XP | +2 Bones

(animations that require more than 10 frames, and involve dynamic movement.)



  • Headshot (1 XP / 1 Bone) | Waist Up (3 XP | 1 Bone) | Full Body (5 XP / 5 Bones)

    • +Shading +1 XP​

    • +Background +2 XP | +1 Bone

    • Simply Animated (+3 XP) | Advanced Animation (+5 XP / +2 Bones)




Art that falls under more specific rules and requirements.


  1. May only feature 1-2 characters at the same time.

  2. Only 5-7 Images per "sheet" (i.e 1 single submission)

  3. ♦ Headshot/Waist Up/Full Body: 5 XP / 1 Bone per image on the canvas.

+ Shading: +1 XP

+ Simple BG: +2 XP, does not stack per image

+ Complex BG: +4 XP | +1 Bone , does not stack per image

- Sketch / Unfinished / Not Colored: Minus -2 XP on the entire sheet.

- Extreme Chibis: Minus -2 XP on entire sheet.


♦ COMIC PAGES: 10 Bones / xp varys

  1. Must have at least 5 panels/sections.

  2. Calculate each section separately based on the below rubric.

  3. A section/panel can only count as ONE descriptor, add up each panel to make your final total. (i.e "I made 5 panels, (3) were scenic and (2) were 50% body shots, I made a total of 14 XP | 10 Bones.")

♦ Scenic / Mostly Background Panel: 1 XP

♦  Headshot / Eye Shot Focus Panel: 2 XP

♦  50% Body Shot Panel: 4 XP

♦ Full Body Shot Panel: 5 XP | +1 Bone

+ Other Character Featured: +2 XP / +1 Bone, does not stack per character



Writing in this group receives a lot more XP, due to the nature of our group, writing is almost always a component of an activity.

(!!!) Disclaimer: If an art entry requires writing as a component, then you may not redeem extra XP/Bones from this section. You may only redeem written rewards if you surpassed the required writing amount.



+5 XP | +5 Bones​


(!!) Gaps between base amounts exist so that one cannot simply write, for example, 501 words (1 word over 500) to get into the next 'tier' of XP/Bones earnings. You'll have to push for a few extra amount of words to actually qualify for the next 'base/tier' price.


♦ 100-500w / lit entry: 5 XP | 2 Bones

♦ 550-800w / lit entry: 7 XP | 5 Bones

♦ 850-1,000w / lit entry: 10 XP | 10 Bones

♦ 1,200-2,500w / lit entry: 15 XP | 15 Bones

♦ 2,800-3,500w / lit entry: 20 XP | 20 Bones

+ Every 500w after (3,500): +2 XP | +2 Bones

+ Events / Monthly Minis: +2 XP | +2 Bones


(?) Additional XP/Bones will not apply to entries that are about multiple different situations, placed onto 1 document, in order to rake in the additional xp/bones added to the base entry. If the stories have nothing to do with one another (Say you have 1 quest written, and your 1 monthly mini, putting those two items on the same document would NOT grant you any bonuses for hitting a certain word count. Both entries should be treated as separates, and placed in different submissions.




We love roleplay! So it has it's very own section. Roleplays are any written collaboration pieces that go back and forth between one or more different characters (owned by different users.)

To calculate your RP for points/bones, you need to finish the RP and have it posted. Incomplete roleplays cannot count for XP/Bones. Once you finish your RP, take each "post" of your own, and put it into something like , this will tell you how many words YOU wrote (not you and your partner, just you). Once you know how many words you wrote, proceed to the rubric below!


(!!!) Only RPV sukas can ROLEPLAY with other user's sukas. You may include any of your own sukas in your own personal writing, but for roleplaying, a suka needs an approved application.



(Q) Why are the XP/B amounts for writing the same amount lower than if I was writing solo?

(A) Sometimes, its easier to write a lot more when you consistently have another person filling in the next details to the story, than if you were writing 100% alone.


(Q) What do I do if my total word count falls in the "deadzone", for example I wrote 1,250w.

(A) If you fall in a deadzone (between two tiers), round your number to the next neartest tier number. Is 1,250w closer to 1,200w or 1,500w? 



♦ "Small Roleplay" 800-1200w Total: 10 XP | 10 Bones​ 

♦ "Average Roleplay" 1,500-2,500w Total: 15 XP | 15 Bones​ 

♦ "Big Roleplay" 2,800-3,500w+ Total: 20 XP | 20 Bones​ 

♦ "Jumbo Shrimp Roleplay" 3,800w+ Total: 25 XP | 25 Bones​ 

+ Events / Monthly Minis: +2 XP | +2 Bones (to each user)

+ Trio Team RP (at least 3 different users): +2 XP | +2 Bones (to each user)

+ For roleplaying, every entry submitted earns you +1 Floating Stat point.





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