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To roleplay within the group you’ll need to make an application and submit it for review; once your application is approved you can unlock RPV-aspects of the game and roleplay with other members. You may also want to do this simply for the “normal” RPG experience of building a character and slowly fleshing them out through plot and development. 


YOUR APPLICATION IS MADE OF 2 PARTS, A VISUAL & WRITTEN  COMPONENT, once you've completed both parts, please send your visual app (w/ the written attached inside) to the gallery for admin review.


Your visual application will be attached to your written component as either a “headshot medallion” or a roleplay reference sheet on our custom layout. Each option has different requirements.


Your written application will be attached to your visual component, all parts of the written application are required to be present (“Quick Glance” & “Main Template”).


Brief History is optional only if your suka is not trying to: join a pack, is mentioned to be in a NPC settlement, or is an non-standard suka (such as an infected, orco, peculiar, bandit, etc). All sukas of these classifications must have a brief history.


Your suka should always be written as the hero of their own story. They should have a goal or something they desire internally. Motivation and actions contribute to how the goal / conflict is dealt with.


And once they have closure with a conflict or action, it becomes part of their history and story.



Your character can always change & develop into something new or something worse. When their goals are not met, this conflict affects their story arch.


Make your character with flaws or goals that cannot be cleanly achieved to keep them in development for the long run. Once a suka is able to achieve one thing they want what could be next for their natural arch?



Internal turmoil, conflict, or feelings are interesting processes to include when writing dialog, backstory, or picking out traits for your character. 


Allow your suka to think aloud in the writing, let us know how they interpret themselves. Allow your character to have holes where the information is lacking. They don’t know everything about themselves, and neither do you. Allow yourself as a writer to be fluid, allow your suka to experience the world one step at a time. 

sherbert_by flokii.png
niamh_by SwordsandSpectacles.png
lop_button_by_intergalacticnebula_ddr6cdp-fullview (1)_edited.png


MEDALLIONS are “badges” that have a headshot/bust of your suka and their name, typically with some decorative elements like a background that’s not the default template or borders and specific texts. 

  • HEADSHOT/BUST must show the neck up, must be fully, neatly colored at the least. 

  • You may use your suka’s official import image, but be sure to mold it into a medallion.

  • You may not claim the free small accessory when doing a Medallion.



REFERENCE SHEETS must be drawn and completely filled in if you wish to create it , you can always go back later and create a ref sheet. Your reference sheet cannot use elements of the official import image, you may draw yourself or commission the work. 

  • Draw your suka how it looks on the import image, if a suka has one ear type, do not draw them with another very different ear type. Feel free to customize/stylize their physical features, but don’t leave anything out or add something that isn’t there!

  • If you can’t replicate all markings exactly, it is okay to simplify them to what you can regularly draw, so long as again nothing is left out or added. But if you want to draw your urajiro slightly softer, or make your sable more fur-textured go for it.


You’ll require a: Fullbody , Headshot, Color Palette, (1) free small accessory in your inventory OR blank, the height silhouette, and a name/sex (and gender if you need to!) section filled out.




QUICK GLANCE is a summary that will introduce your character to the audience and admins reviewing them. You can set the tone of your application with the quick glance and decorate it how you like so long as the main points are present, fill in all sections.





MAIN WRITTEN TEMPLATE is what is required to be fully filled in and placed after your quick glance on a google doc, webpage, journal, or somewhere easily readable for admins. You may decorate this however you like, but it must include everything you see here unless it’s inapplicable.


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