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POI = Possibility of infection roll
RIR = Random infectivity rate
TL = Terminal Level / Terminal Level Points

The "infection" as it's simply known, wiped out or altered most life as sukas know it, their ancestors settled in “The Edge” as a safe haven mostly untouched by the illness. One can become infected from drinking tainted (usually stagnant) waters, being bitten or scratched by an actively infected individual, or coming into contact with a spawn point. Spawn points are typically the Glossy Starling plant spores (fictional plant, see pre-lore timeline) but also some fungi. (Often grow around starlings or can be moved by waiting until an animal brushes against it, pollinates, or eats it. Will grow on decaying material and can be a few different types of fungi infected, but all will glow or be iridescently blue/teal.)


The infection was originally airborne (cross-species) ; it had to be from a spawn point (flora). The infection has evolved modes of transportation and infectivity since the early days. Once an animal is infected, it will pass on infection through the bloodstream & stomach lining (feces, vomit, salvia, wounds, etc).


Keep in mind, how infective a host is depends on the host, if they’re extremely sick, tainted saliva (droplets in the air or otherwise) can cause a chance at infection, but it’s much lower than actually touching or getting hurt by an infected. Infected creatures can secrete excess saliva, and therefore even touching a highly infectious individual can have possible ramifications. The biggest issue would be drinking from stale water or a water source that an infected recently used, as water is often the hardest to detect when it’s tainted with small amounts of saliva. It is always best to drink from moving bodies of water like streams, creeks, and rivers or water reserves within towns.

Dramatic Flowers


Not quite as easy as it used to be, the Glossy Starling is a plant often well hidden in the wilderness, and so long as you do not directly step in or activate the spores on the bright blue plant, you’ll be fine.


Lots of different types of fungi however, like to carry spores as well once they develop to maturity, a clear sign of an infected fungi would be a low blue haze in the dark, or when cut open, the fungi will leak a thick blue substance.

Gold Fish in Water


Fish can be heavily affected depending on which type of water they’re in but also species of fish tend to play an important role as well, some species are just not very immune to easy infection.


They can build up a thin iridescent blue sheen, scale rot, or algae on their bodies that glows that will easily notify you of sickness. Suka tend to stick to species not easily infected and ones that live in safe, lively waters.



If the water’s moving , it’s safe! If it’s not, you better look closely. Tainted water grows a thin, iridescent film over the tops of the sitting water, similar to the rainbow seen on a soapy bubble.


If the water was shifted or moved in a short timeframe, the film can disappear for a bit before showing again. If this is your case, you can sniff the water to try to detect a slight rotting funk, otherwise it’s best to leave the water as you found it!



Prey animals can be infected, but unless their flesh is consumed, it’s safe to say they will not approach you and they do not live through infection for very long.


While they have better methods at detecting tainted sources of water, some will come into contact with fungi/plant spores or eat the fungi, which can cause sickness easily. However, prey animals do not seem to be affected by simply inhaling or being near spores & spawn point plants. 

Big Cat


Predators or more territorial animals are likely to come in contact with infection less often, but when they do it is from being hunted by an infected, being wounded by an infected, or defending their territory against any infected (who may leave droplets of infected salvia , blood, etc around the area to later infected a healthy animal).


 All these methods of contact have the potential to leave the victim wounded and thus more susceptible to infection, it is very important to stay away from infected creatures and be safe.



"INFECTEDUmbrella term for any creature that shows signs of possible infectious traits or active sickness. Infected Classes do not always look any different from regular animals, but will display clear signs of sickness.

❗ Class 1 sukas are casted out from the communities in which they reside, they are not allowed around any other suka. If they are seen too close to towns , packs, or settlements often they can be reported and have the Sheriffs close in to neutralize the threat.





Informally just known as “Infecteds”, have terminal decline in health and will eventually die. This is the most important factor to determine the class of infected. Infected will act aggressive, rabid, confused, and often travel alone for many reasons; they have extreme mental and physical decline.






A specific type of Zombified Infected found in the Badlands, and are known for their retained mental capacity, allowing them even in rabid or zombified states, to use their wits to lure or trick prey and other sukas. They will travel in packs, attend to their own preservation, and act with some rationality that may rival or overwhelm a single suka who is trying to flee from them. AIs are distinguishable by their orange glow, salvia, and blood rather than the typical blue indefitifying color. AIs are exclusively found in or reside in the Badlands, if the lack of food or heat often kills them faster than sickness. 


Fertile ‣
Infertile ‣

"MORBUS: A Morbus was once an Infected and now they are no longer dying from the sickness, but retain minor detections of  sickness in their blood (carrier of altered genetics), and therefore still susceptible to pass infection to others or offspring birthed (infectivity).  Morbus can informally be called “carriers” , but they are very low-level Infecteds.

❗ Class 2 sukas are casted out from communities and are typically not allowed back due to infectivity issues. Some Class 2 can find homes that are welcoming, but can still be reported to Sheriffs who will threaten the Class 2 or banish them to the outskirts of the Edge if warned too many times.





This label means a Morbus is unbreedable and will never produce offspring. Which can happen with improper monitoring of terminal levels.






This label means a Morbus has fertility and can be bred to. They can produce what is labeled as “Carrier”, which includes a range of possibilities, but also stillborns, and IB pups. (*IaB: Infected at Birth, will be an Infected Class ⇧ .) 


Bamboo Leaves


Carrier, Healthy‣
Peculiar ‣

"CARRIER: Real Carriers are suka who do not host high levels of infectivity but can carry altered genetics that will affect themselves or offspring. These genetics are not always visible and sometimes are presented in “false symptoms” of infection such as eye sensitivity or reduced lung function. Not every Carrier will show odd mutations or altered DNA.  

❗ Class 3 suka are typically safe in some, but not all communities. Sheriffs will not banish or hurt Class 3 suka, they can have chances to join packs or be a part of the community, but will likely regularly experience negative connotations and stigmas. It should be mentioned that class 3 suka can become class 1 if they come into contact with high exposure of infection like any other healthy suka if not careful, they are not entirely immune to infection.

PACK PARTICIPATION: A suka must be CLASS 3 only to participate in Canon & NPC pack settlements. Pack Leaders can turn away Class 1-2 at any time and they may not apply to join.

Bamboo Leaves


Carrier, Healthy‣



A suka is labeled Carrier , Healthy for two reasons: They were birthed by a Carrier or Morbus class OR they show physical oddity mutations. Both classifications do not need to be true at once. An "unhealthy" carrier would be a Morbus (for comparison)


Carriers have extremely low chances of passing infection to others or to give birth to Infected (Class 1); slim chances at producing a Morbus (Class 2), and a generous chance at producing Peculiars & other Carriers (Class 3). 


Bamboo Leaves


Peculiar , Carrier


A suka labeled as “Peculiar” is inherently a Carrier class of suka and is typically healthy to begin with. They do not pass infection at high rates (if at all), but show extreme genetic signs of infected traits, notably pale flesh or eyes; altered coat colors with dull markings are the definite signs of a Peculiar. An unhealthy Peculiar would be a Morbus.


 Peculiars do not need to show oddity mutations, but are the only other class that can. Peculiars mostly produce other Peculiars but otherwise will give birth to any other class of infected or stillborns.


When a suka becomes Infected (or is born infected) they begin what we call a “Death Countdown”. Your death day is logged when a suka is registered on the infected tracker if they are class 1 OR their Terminal Level drops too low.

INFO: All Class 1 will die in a full year’s time (or 4 consecutive seasons) before your suka will be pronounced Deceased on their import if they are not brought down to Morbus status.

INFO: Once a suka is pronounced deceased, they will only be allowed to be drawn/written about for private reasons and submitted to the gallery without UXP/XP gain. 


A suka can stop their death timer by lowering their Terminal Level or a “Morbus Token” can also be purchased at random seasons, through specialty merchants or the USD Shop. 

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