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Quests are essentially plot starter points for your character to use as a jumping off point to begin an art piece or begin roleplaying. Doing Quests offers stats, influence, and occasionally some items if the specifics call for it, some quests even offer exclusive accessories and items that can only be gained once completed. The point of completing quests is to help start your character in this big world, you’re more than welcome to complete quests with other RPing members, and everyone who participates gets the rewards. Quests are completely optional to play in our world and require a bit more elbow grease to properly complete than Tasks do. 


[!] We have an index of Quests we constantly string together, and will periodically swap them out for one another. If a quest you like disappears, keep an eye out! It might return! This helps give all new players a chance to experience past quests, and gives old players a chance to replay quests with different characters. Enjoy!




Quests require a written or art component, whether the written is a full (completed) roleplay or a short story, that is up to you! Just submit your Quests directly to the gallery. Below are the requirements, and examples of what a good art/written quest sample would look like compared to one that would be denied from our gallery.


[ART] Acceptable art quests will need to have a semi-detailed Suka (meaning the linework must include toes, nose, eyes, and mouth) that are fully colored in and accurate; a background with more than 3 elements (excluding the ground/sky) including a foreground, middle-ground, and background; and the Suka must feel like they are interacting with their environment or situation in some way. 

[!]You will also need to write a short story pertaining to the quest at hand, of at least 800 words.


Unacceptable quests will be denied or removed from our galleries include stock images, lacking elements, uncolored animals/sukas, and anything that insinuates a low effort/grinding quality to the work. We do not compare to your own gallery, but we do expect some level of detail to your work and our ARPG does not aim to be bias towards realistic art styles, we welcome experimentation and different styles. 






















show me the quests!

stop right there.png

[WRITTEN] Acceptable writing quests should accurately describe the environment, actions, thoughts, and motives of the Suka. Written quests should emphasize dialogue and have mostly correct spelling and grammar (we aren’t your English teachers, but please if Google highlights a misspell, correct it.)


Unacceptable rolls or rolls that will be denied or removed from our galleries include heavy filler content or content that uses un-real words, fails to include thoughts/motives, and fails to use proper rules to emphasize dialog or thoughts.

​Written quests should be at least 1,000 words (or an essay) of writing, and should be (in total) at least 1,200 words for role plays between at least two or more people.


Lotus splashed in the waters and looked to her friend Atropa, Atropa? She questioned with large eyes and a goofy doofy smile before pawing the water and splashing it in atropa’s face. You have to get up now! She said before splashing one more time, then another, and again too! Until her friend awakened and they began to play around the water.



This example lacks basic writing rules such as separation of dialog, thought, and narration. There is filler such as arbitrary repetition (she splashed, and splashed, and again splashed…) The character lacks any development throughout this excerpt and does not appear to really interact with themselves (not just the world around them.)


Lotus found herself gazing over the water more often than she would of liked to admit these days. Though the skies were less cloudy today, peeking over the hills with the faint warmth of the sun, she still found a lonesomeness in her heart. The dog who laid against her side in a peaceful slumber seemed unaware of the thoughts that flooded that smaller female’s mind. How could one live with such calmness? Maybe she could learn something from the older and wiser vixen, “Atropa?” The blonde creature gave a soft whisper before a devious smile took over her features, throwing her paw down into the water that lapped at her feet into the other canine’s face, “Wake up!”


This example gives us mostly proper spelling/grammar, and also a lot of insight into the mood, setting, and thought process of the character. The dialog, narration, and inner thoughts are all formatted/separated in some way, There is less ambiguity to the whole excerpt as to where the characters are, what they’re doing, and the tone of the piece.



When completing a quest objective, please put the entire quest information (and rewards) in the description, header, or artist comments so that admins know exactly what was gained from the completed piece. If at any time you complete a quest, but it has disappeared from the roster to be swapped out, you may still post the image so long as the information comes with it. This should be done in a timely manner, and not say a month after a quest was swapped out.


[!] Whether or not your character succeeds or fails or completes the objective of  the quest is not important, you will still get the rewards present for completing the quest at all. Remember these are just jumping off points, you and your RP buds can also digress into a different situation!


[QUEST TITLE] | XP Needed to Unlock | Rewards | Exclusive Item (If applicable)


[!] NEW Available Quests

[Available & Previous Quest Prompts

Official Quest Item List & In Depth Description

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