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The above chart is useful to know!

(!) Not all coats seen here are live yet.

Intro: rarity vs length

 (?) Sires only give you their own rarity of coat, but the Dam extends the possible rarity gene pool to any coat of the same length.

There are several coats within turp, not including “Cross Coats” which are two different coats, mixed together to create a whole new look. You can also alter coats by using items like Poison Ivy (fur loss) or Burdock Root (fur gain); if you see a very “unique” looking fur type, it’s more than likely edited.


(!) Coats do NOT show up in the genetic code. 

(!) The only coats that are interchangeable are the “default” or “free” coat options: Standard, Poncho, Alaskan. You may always downgrade to any of these three coats.


Your SIRE generally determines the rarity of coat you might roll.

The DAM generally determines the length of coat you might roll.

Learn more about the rarities vs lengths, in the above chart.


But what if I want to breed those sweet Cross Coats?
Cross Coats are very self explanatory in the fact that each cross coat requires a SPECIFIC Sire and SPECIFIC Dam to breed together, in order to achieve the possibility of rolling a cross coat. Without the proper Sire or Dam coat, you cannot breed a Cross Coat.

The only way to bypass the below pairings is to match two Cross Coats of the same type together, or to take a cross coat and breed it to the (required other half) of the pairing, to get a possibility of Cross Coats. (example A litter shows more)

Barbary heavy lion-esque maned suka

  • Sire Must be Wookie or Bouvier (Rare Coat)

  • Dam Must be Curly or Royal (Long-Haired)

REX short, tight curls all over the body

  • Sire Must be Lamb or Curly (Uncommon Coat)

  • Dam Must be Short or Mouse (Short-Haired)

HAWK a crest of style , but mostly short in coat

Sire Must be Banshee, Boar, or Wynter (Uncommon Coat)
Dam Must be any Mouse or Maned (Short to Neutral)

COLLIE  a feathered, silky haired wookie-like coat.

Sire Must be Royal or Wild (Rare Coat)
Dam Must be Satin, Alaskan, or Wild (Long-Haired)


(TIP) Learning the above chart is much easier than learning the % rates, it'll be good to commit to memory if you're a breeder at heart.

If one parent is COMMON COAT =  Passes at a 30% rate  
Uncommon Coats can pop up at a 10% rate  
Rare Coats pop up at a 2% rate

If one parent is UNCOMMON COAT =  Passes at a 25% rate  
Common Coats can pop up at a 30% rate  
Rare Coats pop up at a 5% rate

If one parent is RARE COAT =  Passes at a 10% rate  
Uncommon Coats can pop up at a 40% rate  
Common Coats pop up at a 15% rate

Unrelated lengths, pass at a halved rate.
Example: Maned x Short, produces neutrals/longhairs at a 5% rate instead.


Cross Coats act as an UNCOMMON COAT.
Ex. How does the roller narrow down possibilities? Especially cross coats?


STEP 1) The roller looks at the SIRE, to determined what rarity of coats the pup can start out as.

  • Let's make our Sire a "Banshee

  • Banshees are Uncommon, and Neutral in coat type.

  • This means my Sire can pass on any OTHER Uncommon coat types.

  • The fact that he's a neutral coat type, won't matter much.

STEP 2) The roller then takes ALL of (the appropriate) rarity, and looks to the DAM to narrow it down by (her) coat length category.

  • The Dam will be "Hawk

  • Hawk is Uncommon, because it is a Cross Coat, it is also Short-haired in length.

  • This means the Dam is going to narrow down all the Sire's options of uncommon coats, to only Uncommon coats that are ALSO short in length.

STEP 3) Now that the roller is pulling from a list of RARITY and a list of LENGTH...

  • We can guestimate our results will fall into the "Uncommon, but Shorthaired" category.

  • That leaves us with a definite possibility of Short or Maned.

  • What about getting a "Hawk"?

    • Hawks WOULD (be able to) appear in this litter, because we bred the dam to a Banshee Sire, which is one of the requirement options for breeding a Hawk cross coat, lucky us!

  • So, we have the options of Hawk, Short, or Maned for sure.

    • Let's use the actual roller next and see what we got!​

example litter (A)

 (?) Let's do a real sample litter, out of our Banshee Sire and Hawk Dam.

(???) Take a headstart, will they produce only Short, Maned, and Hawk?? 

Jumping straight into it, we're only focusing on coat types in this hypothetical litter:


Banshee, Uncommon Coat/Neutral



Hawk, Uncommon Coat/Shorthair

🐾 PUP 1: Short
🐾 PUP 2: Mouse
🐾 PUP 3: Short
🐾 PUP 4: Banshee
🐾 PUP 5: Maned

Ho, ho , ho! What's this? Looks like we got a surprise Banshee and Maned, two uncommon but NEUTRAL fur types. So the sire's coat length genes still shine through at times (this is where the "unrelated coats pass at a halved rate" thing comes in handy to know). Unfortunately, we didn't get a Hawk coat, even though we had the right pairing.

Let's re-roll our litter to see if we get a Hawk! 

(NOTE: Rerolls may only be done with appropriate items/tack/etc)

🐾 PUP 1: Hawk
🐾 PUP 2: Short
🐾 PUP 3:
🐾 PUP 4: Mouse
🐾 PUP 5:

Woah! We got a whole litter of variety now, and yep, this is the same pairing. We finally got a Hawk, but also a CURLY. Which is super rare for this pairing, since it's a Longhair , it would've passed at almost a 1-3% rate instead of just half.

In conclusion, this pair worked best for us in producing Shorter coats, but that doesn't mean we lost all variety. A more limited litter would be a couple with matching rarity AND matching lengths.


Each coat type typically has their own "maximum Collar range" inside their PSD file. When using combination markings that involve Collar, do NOT use the unique/extended Collar maximums as guides. 

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