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These are countrywide laws that all loners, provinces, families, and packs must follow while choosing to live in The Edge. Sheriffs have existed for many decades to keep peace over the lands, their rules are tradition and fundamental; they act for the good of many rather than the good of few. If these laws are broken, one can be exiled to the unknowns, killed, or put on trial for their actions. Minor laws broken can be met with minor punishment, however laws marked with a black star can be seen deadly to you if broken. Laws can be changed or added to at any time as concerns and player feedback arises. Suggestions are suggestions, this is not a guarantee that a law will or should change.


[!] Laws act as in character rules for gameplay, if at any time a black star rule is broken, admins can punish the player by (exile/death/corporal/fine) of their character. Please be mindful of these rules.


[!] The Sheriffs exist to enforce these laws and hand out punishments, they are the only ones that may hand out official punishments unless a pack has its own rule set to abide by as well. The Sheriffs do not oversee every small morally wrong or unethical situation, only ones that pertain to the safety of the land as a whole..


[!] Sheriffs do not enforce local pack rules, and will not be held responsible for settling disputes inside of packs that do not break the Fundamental Law. 


[!] These laws are written in no particular order of severity.


If you are looking for something specific, CTRL + F it!



  1. ★ Entering the danger zones is seen as an endangerment of other individuals, should one get sick while entering the area and come back out alive. Those seen leaving a danger zone may be killed on sight, or reported to the Sheriffs for quarantine. 

  2. Any and all individuals may report another for suspicion of infection, as they may be a threat to others. Suspicion of infection can be met with quarantine and trial to see to exilement. 

    1. Quarantine may take effect when any individual is seen as suspicious of infection. Quarantine includes isolating an individual to the confines of the nearest danger-zone for one week’s time. 

      1. If the individual does not show signs of symptoms after the week is done, they will be released back into the Edge. 

  3. ★ Unwarranted and abnormally brutal assault (beating or rape) of any individual that did not break any laws or pack rules, can be reported, and subject to trial.

  4. ★ Unwarranted killing of any individual can be reported and subject to trial.

    1. Murder (whether deliberate or in the heat of the moment) would fall under this law, however accidental or neglegant death, would not fall under law.

  5. ★ Causing an unwarranted dispute of 4 or more, a riot, a raid, or fight, can be reported and result in trial, punishment, fee, or exile for all parties involved.

    1. If there is a reason behind a fight/dispute, such as pack history/etc, the law will not protect those involved unless innocent bystanders are brutally hurt in the process.

    2. Unwarranted raids, pillaging, kidnapping, or rapes done to others, can be subject to trial and exile of all parties involved if proven guilty.

  6. Theft of property is seen as a minor offense, unless constant, then it may be reported and the individual can be subject to trial.

  7. ★ Theft of persons (Kidnapping) can be reported, and the theft will be subject to trial by exile or death. 

  8. ★ Taking a mate and bearing children without prior arrangement with the Sheriffs can be seen as offensive, and may put both individuals involved on trial, and subject to punishment or fine.

  9. ★ Denial of following through with direct orders given from Sheriffs can result in trial, punishment, fines, exile, or death. 



  1. ★ Any territory marked neutral-zone will not allow physical disputes of large numbers (3 or more) to break out without punishment. 

  2. No one may own territory in a neutral-zone for families or packs of four (4) or more.

    1. Loners may live in neutral-zones, but not show territorial tendencies of a span of land greater than 20 feet in both directions (or the size of a den.) 

    2. Packs may settle in the Merchant Forest, but must be small and of extremely high honorability. If at any time a pack settled in the M.F causes disturbances, they may be removed from the area.

  3. The Primal Summit may not be visited without prior agreement or summons, those found sneaking around the area may be fined or punished.



  1. Over-hunting or hoarding of game of neutral-zone locations can be met with a punishment of either fine or resistrainment from entering the neutral-zones. 

  2. Hunting in another pack’s territory may be subject to trial, punishment, or fine if caught or reported.

    1. This law is disregarded when two or more packs are willingly bordering with one another. 




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