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Slots & Restrictions

Breeding your suka is fairly easy, but understanding the litters you receive, or knowing which parents to pair together may be a lot harder to get just right. The information below is meant to help guide you towards your end goal.


In order to begin breeding, you’ll need a proper UXP level, a Milk of Mother (breeding edible) or have a Sunset Ceremony (art/lit entry), and slots to at least two other suka.

. Breeding is unlocked by the USER by gaining enough UXP (User Experience Points). Once a user is able to unlock breeding, ALL their sukas will unlock their own slots. However, to use each slot, the owner must go through a few requirements. This requirement is waived for USD bought starters/bags.


  • (Standard Build) Sukas have 10 Slots starting out.

    • & 15 (total) Slots once they reach 500 (XP)


  • (Orco Build) Orcos have 5 Slots starting out.

    • & 10 (total) Slots once they reach 500 (XP)


  • (Peculiars) Peculiars must have slots purchased from The Witch’s Grave or through other events. Peculiars have no beginning amount of slots, and if they are born INFERTILE, they will not be breedable. You may be able to find items that can help with this.

  • (Infected) Infecteds retain their original slot count, until they hit their “Infertile” stage. This information can be found on the INFECTION TRACKER. Infecteds may continue to breed until they hit their infertile stage.


  • (Starter x Starter) Requires a Lover’s Potion or Sunset Ceremony (SC)

    • (?) Lover’s Potions can be crafted or bought via The Merchants shop.


  • (Slot Gain) You can find additional slots through purchase at the USD Shop or through in-game events and traveling merchants.

  • (Transferred Slots) We track your transferred slots for you, but once you transfer a slot permission to a user, you hold NO CONTROL over what happens with the litter or ownership of the litter. You may not give users “rules” to follow when giving them slots, admins will not adhere to any 3rd-party rules. Nor do we allow CO-OWNERSHIP, so please do not try to co-own any single suka or suka litter.


(!!!) We also recommend that you only transfer permission for a slot AFTER receiving the FULL PAYMENT expected from the other party. We will not investigate issues of users being scammed in the event that they did not take any precautions, we will however, ban the scammer if it’s a very clear and poor situation.


(?) “Deformed” will only extend to issues like a poor limp, stiff legs, crooked backs, etc and not something like the “Handsy” mutation that depicts multiple limbs. This are not allowed to be displayed on your official import, and are simply for roleplay reasons.

(!) Each breeding (w/ a suka) counts for their monthly breeding limit (MBL).
(!) A single suka (may now) be bred up to 4 times a month.
(!) Users may send in a Breeding Request form only 4 times a month, regardless of who they’re breeding (even starter to starter.)

(Starters) Breeding starters? Have a breeding bag? These items count towards your monthly breeding limits and are limited to (2) requests out of your (4) monthly available limit.


(?) What is a Breeding Re-Roll?
Breeding Re-Rolls come attached to certain Tack and other items, allowing you to receive a litter and decide whether or not you want to re-roll the litter and keep the newer results instead. Re-Roll items DO count towards your monthly breeding limit, since it is technically a whole new litter being posted.


(?) What are the rules regarding Inbreeding?
In TURP we’re indifferent towards punishing inbred sukas with permanent disabilities that effect their gameplay. We do not recommend inbreeding, as it may make other users more adverse to breeding with you.  We do however, track the inbred sukas by labeling them as such (“Build: Standard, Inbred”), this means your suka has at least one suka in its (visible) pedigree that shows up twice. There are items to undo this, like the “Birth Certificate” in the Rusol District store. 

We allow Inbred sukas to display BLINDNESS by using milky-eyes, starburst pupils, or (2) completely closed eyes (to indicate being born w/out eyes.) 

You may do this without having an accessory or item equipped, if your suka is inbred.

For defects we cannot see, you may mark your inbred suka without altering their physical import design with (1) of the following defects: Blind , Deaf , Deformed


  • Both Visible and Non-Visible defects should be mentioned somewhere on your import template, like so:

    • (Visible): “Build: Standard, Inbred - BLIND”

    • (Non-Visible): “Build: Orco, Inbred - DEAF”

  • (!) Inbred sukas MAY NOT be bred to any USD/Starter/ or items like a Pretty Face Token.

(?) What about Lineage Markings, Free Markings, and Combo Markings?

  • You may only use Lineage Markings that appear on the parents who are being bred.


  • Splash/Accents/Ticking/Freckles/Silver are FREE to use on any genotype.


  • Combination (Combo) Markings may only be used if your offspring rolls the right rarity of markings, and (either) parent has all the markings needed to create the combination you’re after.

Step by step

If you’ve done all these steps, just be patient! Admins are working on processing your breeding and often need to go through several steps themselves to make corrections to each pup.

To get your suka READY for breeding, do the following:


  1. You need 150 UXP (User Experience Points)

    1. Learn more here.

    2. This is only waived for Starter x Starter breedings or Breeding Bags.


  1. Make sure you have permissions. (Slot Transfer/Purchases)

    1. You’ll need approved slot transfers from other users to be approved prior to the breeding request being sent in.

    2. If USD purchased, as long as the money is sent, you’re approved to go request your breedings.

    3. If the sukas belong to you, you’re all good.


  1. Double check their lineages. (Inbreeding Check)

    1. Better you know if your litter will be inbred now than know later!


  1. Breeding Consumable (Required Items)

    1. Breeding Consumables allow breedings to take place, the most common is MoM or Milk of Mother, which may be used for any normal breeding between STANDARD build sukas.

    2. Breeding starters together? You’ll need the Lover’s Potion instead.

    3. Orco to Standard Suka breeding? You’ll need MoM Jug instead & 250 UXP.


  1. Do a Sunset Ceremony instead. (Art/Lit)

    1. Sunset Ceremony is a breeding image that shows the 2 involved suka interacting. The two do not need to be doing anything explicit, and something simple like hanging out in a field is fine.

      1. Sunset Ceremony is an ALTERNATIVE to just purchasing a breeding consumable, you can do one or the other to allow your breeding to take place.

    2. Sunset Ceremony should follow Semi-Complex (or “Loot Roll style”) art/lit.

      1. (ART) Waist Up to Fullbody (we’ll allow simplistic forms of your usual art), must be simply shaded, with a 3 element simple background, and the sukas involved. 

        1. (!) Backgrounds must still include ~2 color tones per element. Grass should not be flat green and static, add different layers of color for some detail of each element like a few strands of grass.

      2. (LIT) Must be 500 words with a beginning and middle, there does not need to be any ending or conclusion written, write a cliffhanger it’s fine. Both sukas must be fully mentioned throughout the writing.

      3. (DO NOT) Spam the group with your Sunset Ceremonies, post them when you’re about to send in a breeding request.


  1. Breeding Request Form (Processing)

    1. Send in your Breeding Request Form here.

    2. Allow for some time to let the breeding process, admins are lighting candles and setting the mood.


  1. Results (Admin Thread)

    1. Once your breeding has been rolled, your name will be TAGGED via DeviantART on the official comment thread. So make sure you have your tags working, or come back to the admin thread at the beginning of the next month and see if your litter was rolled.

    2. This is where you can request re-rolls (if applicable) , lineage scramblers, and so on. 

    3. You will also use this thread (in reply to your breeding comment) to distribute pups to other users.

      1. Again, users are not required to adhere to 3rd party rules, and admins will not enforce 3rd party rules on litters. Likewise, if a user blacklists you from buying pups from them, due to 3rd party rule breaking, admins will not defend you from being blacklisted. We will enforce bullying rules though, don’t be a bully please. 



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