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Tropical Leaves
0.mixed edge.png
softly defined.png
hard edge.png
gene: "Sn"
Rare rarity


Snow has a recessive variant , known as "Ashen", the recessive trait of Snow. Ashen will tint the snow a black/dark grey and cause it to "smear" like ash on the coat. Glow must be colored  a black or dark grey. Ashen can even have "ember burns" minimally shown inside of the splotches.


Snow is a white marking (that does not participate in white-marking combos) and is typically always visible atop coats that exhibit minimal or massive amounts of white color.  The snow itself is very fine freckling, speckles, or pinpoint circular shapes ("dots") , and can exhibit a soft glow or halo around them.

Snow is never so excessive that it blankets the coat (like Fleabitten/Blizzard/etc) , and instead should be clear freckling/ticking across the coat. 


(Some markings like "Blackened" are self-explanatory in their color change effect, and other modifiers will equally effect all markings in a certain way like "Greying". If a marking mentions a specific modifier, it may be effected heavily or have an altered palette. )


Ember (may tint the snow a ember color)

Lilac/Emerald (may tint the snow a mint white or soft blue-white)

MARKING VISIBILITY: Creme, Melanistic, Shadowmark, Shubunkin/Desert Koi, Slick


Coverage & Shape

Snow does not need to occur at minimum in any particular spot , but it must be clearly visible somewhere on the body, and not so hidden that admins can't find/see it. Snow can even be as minimal as a handful of spots, or can become quite extensive like the fur-texture of Silver.


  • If Snow is too mottled or heavy, it may be denied. 

  • If Snow is too big in its spot-size, it can be denied.

  • Snow may be set to overlay/softlight/etc, but must be lighter than whatever it sits on.


Snow can have a soft glow to it, but if the glow is too vibrant or heavy, admins can reject it.


  • Do snow by hand for the easiest pass! Sometimes speckling/dot brushes can look too manufactured and not quite fit for TURP. This marking was originally based off "birdcatcher" spots on greyhounds and horses.


Ashen [-Sn] Recessive Gene 

Ashen tints your Snow a brown-black/dark grey color, and smears it upwards or across the coat in various ways. Sometimes even showing "burning embers" on the inside of the Ash itself, and must be contained to the ash area.


  • If the glow on Ashen is ember colored (w/o modifier present) it will be denied.

  • If the Ash does not have a "tail" or "smear" to it, it can be denied but not certainly.


Ash does not require a glow to it or embers on the inside, and may be smeared, but if the markings appear too much like regular ticking, it can be deined However, doing regular "snow" like pin points, may be passable so long as it clearly stands out as Ashen, and not regular freckles/ticking.


  • Ash follows all the same layer rules as Snow, and will not stop acting as a "white marking".

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