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Tropical Leaves
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gene: "Br"
uncommon rarity


Brindle is a striping marking that occurs vertically , beginning from the top of the Suka and spreading downwards. Brindle should always be darker than the base in some way, and can have a textured or 'fur like' appeal to it. The thickness of brindle can greatly vary, from canine and horse like , to something like a zebra or tiger's striping. The striping should follow the curves and flow of the body and never look too planned nor too random


(Some markings like "Blackened" are self-explanatory in their color change effect, and other modifiers will equally effect all markings in a certain way like "Greying". If a marking mentions a specific modifier, it may be effected heavily or have an altered palette. )


MARKING VISIBILITY: Will optionally show on ---


Coverage & Shape

Brindle must touch at least 1 of the colored (pink/blue/orange) areas in a significant way to pass, if the striping is too small, thin, or unnoticable, it likley will not pass. Make sure to follow the curves of the body, face, and fade out towards the muzzle, paws, and tail tip.


  • If Brindle is non-visible, too thin or small.

  • If Brindle flows sideways mostly instead of vertically/naturally along the body.

  • Brindle will never have spots or tear/cheetah lined eyes on its own.


Brindle doesn't have to be majorly connected, having "broken patches" of brindle is acceptable so long as it's natural.


  • Brindle can mimic canines, horses, domestic and wild felines with striping.

  • Touching one of the (3) orange areas is passable instead of touching all (3).

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darker than the base

This marking may be any natural color relative to the base, but must be darker than the base or markings it sits on.

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gradient friendly

This marking may take up to 3 smoothly blended colors as a gradient. The gradient may not have extreme contrast (such as: white to black, dark liver to bright cream, etc)

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fade out friendly

You may either slightly soften (some) edges of the marking (not all edges), or you may lock the marking layer, choose the base color, and use it to create a gradient that "blends into the coat".


2toned friendly

This marking may take up to 2 distinctly different (non-blended) colors.

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