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"Leaf is named after its gold leaf like appearance, and occurs in small quantities over the suka's body. Leaf is considered a slightly flashy marking, and therefore may appear slightly unnatural in its golden hues and ripple effect of patches and striping. Leaf should never appear bright or neon yellow, but gold (or rich amber gold) in color relative to the coat it sits on. The shape of Leaf can take many different looks, patching, thick striping, or even merle like patching, so long as it is irregular and not overly uniform. Fur texture should be minimal on Leaf's appearance, and Leaf should always appear as a mix between soft and defined shape."


[!] Leaf is not effected by Modifiers, including Grey & Creme, and will appear locked to its palettes.



☛ Strict Colors:  This marking must use only the above palettes (there is some leeway to shift the color slightly if the palette colors look too harsh/bad in contrast/visibility against the base. The max example below is an example of shifting the golden color just slightly to better fit the design.)
☛ Adding a "glow" around Leaf is acceptable, so long as the glow matches the main color of Leaf.

☛ Adding gold/yellow tinted 'snow' marks inside of/near the Leaf markings is acceptable. These flecks may be set to Soft Light/Overlay.

☛ Gradient Friendly: Leaf may take up a slight gradient from the palette so long as it is not too drastic.



Max Leaf should not cover more than 35% of the entire suka, and no single area touched should extend pass 10%.


MINIMUM RANGE NEEDED: At least ONE are of a suka must be covered in a patch of 10% (~ less than half of a suka's face in size)

MINIMUM AREA: Areas of the suka are considered: The face/ears, the neck/neck, front legs, back legs, flank/ribs/back, rump/tail. Choosing any 1 of these areas is enough for the minimum, and at the most choosing 3-4 AREAS would cover the max.




Demos are meant to show active steps to execute a certain look that may be considered passable or shows off examples of the marking in interaction with other markings.

Currently nothing!

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