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Tropical Leaves
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gene: "Flo"
Rare rarity


When making the stripes for Flow, use real animals as reference, but be aware that this marking takes a more fantasy approach to its style and look. The marking should be less like a tiger and more like oil on the surface of water, flowing both horizontally and vertically along the body in organic shapes.

- Include horizontal and vertical / mixed patterns. - The center area cannot be a "marbled tabby" swirl, and instead is commonly seen as an "S"-spill, "W"-spill, or "I"-spill shaped flowing horizonatally.

"FLOW" created by ledacek!

A semi-striped marking that spills across the suka in long, winding swirls of paint, often accompanied by inner holes or outer spotting. While the marking is similar to something like King , it makes note for the "stripes" not to touch once another, separated by an invisible barrier.

The larger the "spill" is, the better chance it has at connecting with another large spill-stripe. However, the smaller or more tapered spills will likely not touch one another, including spotty drops or inner spotting.


(Some markings like "Blackened" are self-explanatory in their color change effect, and other modifiers will equally effect all markings in a certain way like "Greying". If a marking mentions a specific modifier, it may be effected heavily or have an altered palette. )




Coverage & Shape

Flow can begin in 1 of 3 hotspot areas , and must cover that chosen area in a 25-30% amount to pass as minimal. At maximum, Flow will cut off under the brow, elbows, and below the knees. Optionally, it can extend to the tail and cover most of the body if the user wants. It's important that Flow is a mix of stripes going in all directions organically, like oil.


  • If Flow is too distinctly striped, like King or Brindle

  • If Flow heavily connects or touches it will not pass.


Flow can have a soft "drop shadow" / "halo" like essence to it, but if it is too vibrant, contrasting, or otherwise takes away from the marking itself, admins can ask that you take off the soft halo/drop shadow.


  • Make sure your Flow has some inner and outer holes/spots, it does not need to be extreme, but enough to clearly show it's not another striped marking.

color friendly.png

color friendly

This marking may be any natural color relative to the base, lighter/darker than the base, or black. It may not be white in color.

gradient friendly.png

gradient friendly

This marking may take up to 3 smoothly blended colors as a gradient. The gradient may not have extreme contrast (such as: white to black, dark liver to bright cream, etc)

fade friendly.png

fade out friendly

You may either slightly soften (some) edges of the marking (not all edges), or you may lock the marking layer, choose the base color, and use it to create a gradient that "blends into the coat".

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