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Exploration Activities encompass all and any activities a user participates in that gives them rewards to redeem at the trading post usually (so this excludes quests, surprise encounters,etc) There are currently three activities that a user may participate in, every activity has the same requirements as long as the situation is appropriate. Exploration Activities (EAs or “Rolls”) are the primary source for gaining Krona (ingame currency), Teeth (secondary currency), and more.


This form should be included in your description of any EA:


    Import: [Hyperlink/full link/thumb image is fine]

    Tracker: [More specifically where the admin needs to comment your rolled results]

    Rank: Infante/Esquire/Tenno/Khagan

    Gifts: [If applicable, please list them out with the descriptions]

    Tack/Companions: [Please list them out with the descriptions]

    Hunting/Fishing/Collecting (pick one please, delete the other options.)


    If Yes: Hunting/Fishing/Collecting


Any activity, quest, or taming image submitted without a proper form completed will be rejected or removed from our gallery.

(We expect your activity rolls to have some merit and quality to them, as this ARPG is not difficult in acquiring things you want, we do not want to see low effort and low quality art/writing in our galleries.)

What's An Acceptable EA Roll Look Like?

Acceptable art rolls will need to have a semi-detailed Tsiuri (meaning the linework must include toes, nose, eyes, and mouth) that are fully colored in and accurate; a background with more than 3 elements (excluding the ground/sky) including a foreground, middle-ground, and background; and the Tsiuri must feel like they are interacting with their environment or situation in some way.

Unacceptable rolls or rolls that will be denied or removed from our galleries include stock images, lacking elements, uncolored animals/tsiuri, and anything that insinuates a low effort/grinding quality to the work.

We do not compare to your own gallery, but we do expect some level of detail to your work and our ARPG does not aim to be bias towards realistic art styles, we welcome experimentation and different styles.


All of these examples are acceptable!

What's An Acceptable EA WRITING Roll Look Like?

Acceptable writing rolls should accurately describe the environment, actions, thoughts, and motives of the Tsiuri. Writing rolls should emphasize dialogue and have mostly correct spelling and grammar.

Unacceptable rolls or rolls that will be denied or removed from our galleries include heavy filler content or content that uses un-real words, fails to include thoughts/motives, and fails to use proper rules to emphasize dialog or thoughts.

Writing should not be used as a "quicker solution", writing should be preserved for writers who focus hard to create written worlds and dive into deep and meaningful character development. Strive for creativity and please do not writing "Bingo sniffed the bush" a hundred times even for activity rolls.

Lotus splashed in the waters and looked to her friend Atropa, Atropa? She questioned with large eyes and a goofy doofy smile before pawing the water and splashing it in atropa’s face. You have to get up now! She said before splashing one more time, then another, and again too! Until her friend awakened and they began to play around the water.

Lotus found herself gazing over the water more often then she would of liked to admit these days. Though the skies were less cloudy today, peeking over the hills with the faint warmth of the sun, she still found a lonesomeness in her heart. The fox who laid against her side in a peaceful slumber seemed unaware of the thoughts that flooded that smaller tsiuri’s mind. How could one live with such calmness? Maybe she could learn something from the older and wiser fox, “Atropa?” The blonde creature gave a soft whisper before a devious smile took over her features, throwing her paw down into the water that lapped at her feet into the lavender tsiuri’s face, “Wake up!”


Tsiuri only eat very small sources of meat, such as birds or eggs, meaning that even though they can hunt larger animals, they usually hunt them for pelts/bones/etc for crafting and monetary value. Due to this, Tsiuri can be depicted tracking, trapping, waiting, or observing their prey on top of being able to actually show them chasing/catching the prey.


↺ Limit 2 rolls per day.

↺ May only feature up to 2 Tsiuri and may only feature 3 other ARPG species.

At least 50% of each Tsiuri should be shown colored and shaded on a background (All backgrounds must have at least 3 elements, not including the sky/ground, and all elements must have some depth/shading/or multiple colors to them), the beast is not necessary to show but you’re more than welcomed to include it for a small beast bonus of +1XP.

↺ OR 1200 words must be written per roll.

↺ Black & White / Sepia images are acceptable so long as markings can be distinguished and there is a wide array of deep black values.

!! You may only hunt animals in that Tsiuri’s level, if a beast is featured it must be within level of the corresponding Tsiuri.



Tsiuri spend a lot of their times in lakes, rivers, and other water-fun areas. They like to splash around and occasionally catch/trap a fish or two. Because other items can be found during fishing, it’s not necessary to feature the fish in the image, the only requirement is some form of water must be featured nearby. The Tsiuri do not need to be directly inside of the water, just near it, approaching it.


↺ Limit 2 rolls per day.

↺ May only feature up to 2 Tsiuri and may only feature 3 other ARPG species.

↺ At least 50% of each Tsiuri should be shown colored on a background (All backgrounds must have at least 3 elements, not including the sky/ground, and all elements must have some depth/shading/or multiple colors to them), the sea creatures are not necessary to show but you’re more than welcomed to include it for a small beast bonus of +1XP (for any fish featured, not per fish).

↺ OR 1200 words must be written per roll.

↺ Black & White / Sepia images are acceptable so long as markings can be distinguished.




Collecting is a lot more free form in terms of the actions your Tsiuri can be depicted doing, they are exploring and traversing the world, they just need to be existing. Collecting offers a much larger range of rewards, from redeemable items to surprise encounters to abandoned pups.


↺ Limit 2 rolls per day.

↺ May only feature up to 2 Tsiuri and may only feature 3 other ARPG species.

↺ At least 50% of each Tsiuri should be shown colored on a background (All backgrounds must have at least 3 elements, not including the sky/ground, and all elements must have some depth/shading/or multiple colors to them)

↺ OR 1200 words must be written per roll.

↺ Black & White / Sepia images are acceptable so long as markings can be distinguished.




In a pack? Want PBP? This is where you find it. Pack-only activities simply unlock a tier of rewards other non-pack users do not have access to in each of the above activities, and require the appearance of at least one other pack member Tsiuri in the image to qualify. Pack activities just apply to the above activities, collecting/hunting/fishing just with a pack member featured.

↺ Limit 1 roll per day.

↺ May only feature up to 2 Tsiuri and may only feature 3 other ARPG species.

↺ Another pack member must be featured.

↺(The same requirements as above apply)


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