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Breeding is a very central part to the life of the Tsiuri, not only can it create bonds but spreading the legacy of their species that was once near extinction is significant. However, due to the nature of these mythical creatures, they are infertile until the goddess of fertility, Iris, blesses them with her light. Though not all Tsiuri find themselves to be very spiritual, in order to breed, one must, in some way see through the eyes of Iris; walk in her shoes through her story; or acknowledge her presence however they may. Upon completion, your Tsiuri will unlock the right to breed and be given five (5) slots to start with and a randomly rolled common gift will arise.


Rite of Iris Rules

  • Tsiuri must be of Infante rank (novice)

  • Tsiuri must be shown at 75% or more in the image, with linework, shading, and a background.

  • OR Written consistently (w/ 1,200 words minimum) throughout a literature piece completing their chosen prompt.

  • Only two (2) Tsiuri may be shown in a single ROI image.

  • Humans are not required, however may tag along with a bonded Tsiuri.

  • You will only need to complete one (1) prompt from the following five (5).


! The prompt may be described abstractly or with definiteness, however  it can be up to users how they creatively choose to portray the prompt, we allow a lot of freedom to play and twist the prompt to best fit your character.


#1 Beauty Is Truth’s Smile


Some say that the Goddess of Fame and Vanity, Kaltris, was handed down from heaven, woven from the silks and pure flowers of Iris’ hand. They said she spoke very little, yet her presence was so widely known across the lands. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and your Tsiuri believes they are stunning, they pride themselves on their looks and feel others are beneath them for the slightest misfortunes. Your Tsiuri encounters a situation in which their vanity is struck, either figuratively, verbally, or physically, they have lost some form of their beauty temporarily.


[!] Depict them with their lost of physical beauty, the realization of their vanity, finding their inner beauty or the beauty around them, or encountering the Goddess Kaltris, the beautiful idol herself.




#2 Hell Hath No Fury


The day is well, but it has quickly turned as Netia angers once more at random and a fire begins to spread throughout parts of the area your Tsiuri is in. The dangers with staying back are inevitable, the Tsiuri might die or be cast down with a horrible injury- but there are others stuck in the dense of the forest, or on the cliffs of the coast, in the peaks of the mountain. Iris died so that her light may live through the creation of others, your Tsiuri is encountering a situation in which they must choose one for all or all for one.


[!] Depict them encountering this wildfire, do they help other creatures out of the fire even if it’s just one? Or do they save themselves? Do they get injured or almost die, or make it out scott free? Your Tsiuri may also encounter the Goddess of Night & Day , Netia and see her wrath upclose.




#3 Pocketful of Sunshine


Life is meaningful in the smallest moments we share between one another; when Iris fell in love with Aeus it was for his kind heart and sturdy ways. Love comes in many forms and whether it’s a crush or a love for themselves or even a love for the world around them, your Tsiuri must find their small happiness in life. What is it that makes them smile the brightest right here and right now?


[!] Depict them interacting with something or someone that brings them a lot of happiness, even if that someone is themselves or their favorite activity; they can even encounter the God of Khivine, Aeus and learn from his wisdom.




#4 Flawed, Naive, Virtuous


Some would go far to claim your Tsiuri is one of the foolish ones, the naive, the easily corrupted much like Vogmos. The world can be a dangerous and scary place for even the most experienced of travelers, but more so for your young budding dragon. Moments in life will happen where we must question our actions and what we choose to or to not do. Where others will try to take advantage of our trusting or easy natures for their own manipulation. Does your Tsiuri fall into such traps or have they wised up?


[!] Depict them encountering a situation in which their intelligence and wisdom is tested. Are shady merchants trying to steal from them? Do they find themselves lured into a human trap? Maybe they even find themselves in a feud with their pack members over mere rumors. How does your Tsiuri encounter the situation and what is the end result? They may also meet the God of Imagination, Vogmos during one of these encounters.





#5 Afterall


Many say that Netia’s marriage to the God of Death, Haxnos was a plight on her father’s efforts to create the lands on which we walk; however, one could argue Haxnos works directly against the life Iris too creates. Death is an unfortunate part of life, it is a cycle one must encounter at their end, and it is time for Tsiuri to understand this cycle now.


[!] Depict them losing a loved one, whether it be a companion, a family/pack member, or friend, even something such as seeing their favorite lake dry up or tree die. Almost anything may fall under this category so long as the Tsiuri is losing something. They may also encounter Haxnos for a brief moment.

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